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Closing A Chapter

“Be present in all things and thankful for all things.”

- Maya Angelou

Gretchen and Sharon this will be posted on the Boston Herald website. Under best Life Ever by Taylor Wells.

On May 27th, our youngest two children, Dakota and Montana, graduated from Parkside preschool. And we closed a chapter of our lives.

All of our 5 children went to Parkside and Sharon and Gretchen, the founders of this epic preschool, are family to us.

Because we are yogis we are not sad about this chapter closing and another beginning. Because of our yoga practice, we are fully present in each moment and operate as the best versions of our authentic selves, so we know in our hearts that we were present for each moment of those precious years, and so we are not sad to move on.

We have tremendous gratitude for Sharon and Gretchen and everyone at Parkside for all they have given our children.


Back in the day -- 15 years ago -- I researched a bazillion preschools and decided to send my first child Madison to Parkside. I sent all of my friends their way and we have all loved and cherished the love and roots the Parkside family has given our children. Best preschool ever! Big shout out to Sharon and Gretchen.  What you do matters.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Fighting On Text

“Between stimulus and response there is a space.  In that space is our power to choose our response.  In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

-Victor Frankl

Did you ever notice that everyone seems or "presents" much better on text and email? This became super clear to me many years ago when we had our restaurant in Newton corner. I had some speakers coming in and we had an awesome online relationship, and then when we met in person it was -- uh --awkward.  They were nothing like how they had been online.

Fast-forward because back then we weren't even texting.

Now it's all about texting and emoticons, and  people can make anything seem pretty damn good. Even "I have the flu." Because they stick in that cute little emoticon at the end of the statement and somehow it don't look or seem so bad. But the flu sucks!

I realized yesterday that this ain't a bad thing. At all.

Have you ever had a fight with someone on text? I think it's much better than live, and here's why. You aren't as reactive. You can use emoticons. And you tend to type slower than you talk – unless you use Siri like me -- and even if you use Siri, you still have to proof it before you send it because you know sometimes Siri messes up yo' words real bad.

The point is there is some pause.  So you are less reactive.

Usually when we do things or say things we regret it's because we are impetuous.

So fighting on text? I'm all for it!

I'd rather we didn't fight at all of course, but hey, we're human.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5


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Don't Mess With A Classic

“Simple pleasures are best.”

- Alan Bradley

My five kids love mac & cheese. What kid doesn't?

Philippe bought this souped-up "healthy" mac & cheese at Wegmans. It has protein added to it etc. etc.

I snuck it on my kids' plates next to their hotdogs but -- no dice.

I'm all about creation and vision and joy and trying anything.

But again and again I learn the lesson to not mess with the classics.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5

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Yoga In The Classroom

“Yoga is not about touching your toes. It’s about unlocking your ideas about what you want, where you think you can go, and how you will achieve when you get there.”

- Cyndi Lee

It's no secret that I am a big fan of yoga. And kids. And learning. And as it turns out, the three mix quite well together. The results are spectacular!

Check out what happens when you integrate these three amazing things:

Amy is a Prana Power Yoga student, a graduate of our Prana Power Yoga Teacher training, and came to my 4:30 AM class consistently for a few years.

I am so proud of her!

When she sent me this link she said, "Much of what I have done was inspired through the Prana teacher training program."

Go Supermom go!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5




“When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”

- Maya Angelou

I grew up in the Midwest in a tiny town on the North Shore with 5000 people.  We played a lot of tennis. Ate a lot of red meat and dairy. And of course, drank Coca-Cola daily.

I kicked my "Coke habit" when I went to Brown. I knew that those unlimited soda fountains where a bad idea 'cuz Supermom don't do anything in a small way, so I just dropped it like a hot potato. Never drank it again. Didn't miss it!

We are all about everything in moderation at the white castle. I don't buy soda or "pop" as we called it in Lake Bluff, Illinois, because it just ain't on my radar.

As such, when my eight-year-old Jedi master son Phoenix had his birthday last month, he squealed with delight when I replied, "Sure!" to his request, "Mommy, may I have Sprite on my birthday?"

Dude, that's all he wanted.


Fast-forward a month later. Philippe was at Wegmans – we love Wegmans! – And they had W–up for $.69 for a gigantic bottle. We love a bargain so Philippe bought it. The kids were thrilled.

Last night, Philippe  scooted to Wegmans for a few things and Phoenix, eight year old Jedi master, inquired, "Papa, can you get more W-up?" I said nothing.

This morning it's in the fridge and the Jedi master now just kind of assumes that that's what we have.

Ahhhhhh, again Phoenix is one of my biggest teachers.

The ego is quite powerful and loves to step in and assume and expect. And that is where Gratitude is extinguished.

We won't be buying any more W–up for a while. Till Madison’s birthday, which is September 6th.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



In Memory Of Those Who Died In Amtrak's Tragedy Last Week

“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive—to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love—then make that day count!”

― Steve Maraboli

I take the Amtrak Acela to New York every week or so to teach at Prana Power Yoga NYC and Prana Power Yoga  Brooklyn and meet with our wonderful managers there.

I love the train.

There really are no words for the heavy heart I feel for those lost in the Amtrak crash last week. I have been sending healing, light, love and courage to the families of those lost in the tragedy.

Makes you stop. And think. And appreciate.

Even more than you already have.

Makes you realize that this is it. This moment is all we have. This day is priceless. So let's have fun today.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5




“You just have to do your own thing, no matter what anyone says. It's your life.”

- Ethan Embry

I'm so happy that everyone gets to do their own thang on this planet and derive joy out of what floats their boat.

I'm so grateful that the Universe provides us contrast so we can know what we love and what we don't love, and that we know about the Law of Attraction, so we can consciously choose to focus on what we DO want and ignore the rest.

Last night we went on date night to a "foodie restaurant" in Boston.  We do trade with the restaurant at Prana Power Yoga and so we had some credit to utilize, and it was a fun adventure.

Synchronistically, we had just seen the (awesome--see it!) movie, "Chef" before we arrived for our 5:30 pm seating.

Some three hours later we left and I gotta say, I just ain't a foodie.  My ten year old daughter is (she makes homemade crepes with strawberry filling in the am before leaving for school to bring as "snack" in her lunch box.  Her siblings like Cheetos).  My Mom is.  Some of my friends are.

I just ain't.

The food was great but I'd have been just as happy (read:  happier) if we'd hopped into Whole Foods Legacy Place and had their hot and cold food bar, and then been on our way.

But that's the BEST EVER!  That there are foodies and there are Whole Foods Food Bar people and it's ALL GOOD. There's no judgment.  There's just exploring and sifting through experiences and realizing what you love and gravitating toward that.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Fresh Start

“The beginning is always today.”

― Mary Shelley

Fresh start.

You have one today. Right now.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Showing Up Is 90% Of Life

“Showing up is not all of life - but it counts for a lot.”

Hillary Clinton

Every day I tell my kids and my yoga students that showing up is 90% of life.

First there is the physical and somewhat obvious physical showing up.  And then there is the rest which is slightly more subtle.  Very few people actually show up fully – with an open heart, an open mind and a positive attitude.  I am blessed to be with a lot of people all day long every day and I have learned this.

Are you showing up fully? In your relationships? In your school? In your job? Regarding your health and general well-being?

Take inventory right now and just become curious. Notice where you may be slacking and kickstart it.  It's never too late for a new beginning and I'm rootin' for ya!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



The Battle Of The Waffles

“What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life.”

- Catherine Ponder

My 10-year-old daughter is a foodie. I think she got it from my mom.  This kid has been so on the ball since she was born, including getting herself fully dressed with accessories at 18 months old, reminding me of things I needed to bring – a water bottle to soccer for example – at 2 1/2 years old, and wanting to make her own food at 3 1/2 years old.

She has made her own lunch for school for as long as I can remember, including making crepes from scratch with fruit filling in the morning and wrapping them in foil so they are still warm.

She loves making pancakes and waffles from scratch. I got her an awesome waffle iron at a yard sale for three bucks. She uses it every weekend.

I like to use stuff up that we already have. I definitely got this from my mom. It makes me so happy.

We've had this chocolate protein powder for a while and I wanted it out of here. So I decided to make protein muffins. I made gluten-free corn muffins – Wegmans box brand because I ain't no foodie – with the chocolate protein powder. The kids loved 'em and had no idea they had protein powder in them – score! But I only used about a quarter of the protein powder.  Gaaaaahhhh!

So I decided to make chocolate protein waffles. I dumped the whole lot of that powder into the pancake mix and added a lot of extra milk and eggs and of course chocolate chips. I topped it with tons of syrup, whipped cream and more chocolate chips in the hopes that my three boys would not notice all the protein powder in those waffles.

I glared at Sage from across the kitchen as she made funny faces looking at the waffle extravaganza.  My glare was instead of saying, "Hey! Don't say anything! They have no idea!"

By the way I also love my boys to eat a lot of protein -- ever since we stopped being raw vegan three years ago I have amped up their protein to help them catch up.  And it's worked!

The boys gobbled those waffles up without a second thought.

Later Sage was making her homemade buttermilk waffles and I said, "The boys loved the waffles! They didn't even know!"

She made a face and said "Well… Actually… Phoenix asked me to make waffles -- and to make sure they were not chocolate."

"Well he ate every bit on his plate so I think he did like them!" I snarled.

Man was I pissed. I was reactive. I was non-yogic.

But then because of my daily yoga practice and my intention, I was aware.  I was aware of my reactivity and my bad energy. I knew that it was not going to go well from here so I simply removed myself from the situation.

I breathed in and breathed out and re-centered myself. And then, just a few minutes later, I was able to go back to my sweet daughter, apologize, and begin again.

She was unfazed. She laughed -- and then we laughed together at the absurdity of it all.

By the way, her batch of waffles came out real bad. I threw her off momentarily with my bad energy and she forgot to put the butter in. So they were all rubbery.

And the boys therefore actually DID like mine better (as gross as they were).

We laughed later about this and about how both of our batches of waffles stunk and how powerful the law of attraction is.

There's always a lesson. Even in the battle of the waffles.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



May All Your Dreams Come True

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.”Henry David Thoreau

There is a sign in my sons' room that says "Dream big little one." It makes me teary in a good way.

Allowing your dreams to come true requires your belief, not someone else's.

And I'm rootin' for ya!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



You Can't Have A Little Grace

“I do not understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are and does not leave us where it found us.”

― Anne Lamott

I love that Seinfeld where Elaine is interviewing to be Mr. Pitt's assistant and the woman interviewing her says that Jackie O had a lot of grace. Elaine replies, "I like to think I have a little grace."

The woman snarks back, "You can't have 'a little' grace."

To which Elaine responds, "Okay, then, I have no grace. I have zero Grace. Okay?"

Makes me laugh every time.

What is Grace to you? How can you live it in your life? What does it feel like in your body?

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



The First To Apologize

“Life wants you to live in total alignment with true love, passion and integrity.”― Bryant McGil

The first to apologize is the bravest.

The first to forgive is the strongest and most wise.
The first to forget is the happiest.
And then comes alignment, a gift from the Universe for all of the above.  And when you aligned, you all set to create ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING THAT YOU WANT.
Create anything and everything that you want

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



What If?

“There are exactly as many special occasions in life as we choose to celebrate.”

 ~Robert Brault

Replace "What if?" with "Hell yeah!"

Attitude is important.  So is expectation. So is momentum.

Just the two words "Hell yeah!" encompass all three of these things.

Start creating your BEST LIFE EVER now by uttering these two words.

Now repeat.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5




“The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper.”

― W.B. Yeats

The Universe continues to inspire and amaze me.

Many many years ago I bought a few throw rugs at Pier 1.  I’ve taken them with me on two moves and they’ve been through the ringer, but I held onto ‘em.  Philippe ain’t a big fan of throw rugs and hides ‘em when he can ha ha.

We just built a shower in our Prana Power Yoga™ Newton studio and at our Prana Monthly meeting today we talked about popping a bath mat in the new shower room.  “I will find something at the white castle and bring it in when I teach the 11 am,” I said. After the meeting I grabbed the Pier 1 throw rugs and popped ‘em in my backpack.

When I laid one if the throw rugs down next to the brand new shower my mouth dropped open — it was the exact perfect size -- as if it had been made for the room, and the colors matched the wall paint perfectly.  Perfectly!  A few students asked me how I EVER found a rug to match that perfectly.

Ya, I believe in magic.  And I live it, everyday.

Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5




“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection”

 – Buddha

In this photo Montana is so PROUD to be walking.  PROUD to be about to kick that soccer ball.  He knows he's got it goin' on.

He's not worried about how he looks, who's watching (except that he's LOVE LOVE LOVING if people are watching and applauding his amazing feats because he KNOWS he's fantastic), what people are saying about how he's walking and what he is wearing, etc. etc. etc.
Let go of the "what if's" and the "what did he/she say and what might they say's," and get out there and do yo' thang and be PROUD.  You have value and you're doing really well.  Find that feeling of pride in yourself and feel the essence of it.  Then watch what the Universe reflects back to you.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Your Day Will Be Happier If

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”

~Tenzin Gyatso

Your day will be happier if you give people a bit of your heart instead of a piece of your mind.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Taylor, Most People Don't Know What Healthy Living Is

“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.”- Buddha

One of my students in my 4:30 AM classes at Prana Power Yoga works in healthcare. She is a nurse. She was telling me this morning that she would love love love to be able to practice yoga or go running or do cardio in the middle of her day, but "they" don't like that.


I couldn't believe it. I asked her if "they" know that it will make her happier, more focused, more efficient and more productive.

"No, they really don't like it." She explained. "I remember years ago when my employer did not like me to go running during my lunch hour. They really didn't like it. So I would sneak into the bathroom and sneak on my running clothes and sneak out as if I was going out to eat lunch -- and I would really go for a run."

"Are you kidding me?" I asked.

"I'm serious -- and it's kind of still this way." She explained.

"I just don't understand this," I continued, "It is healthy -- and you work in healthcare!"

"Taylor, most people don't know what healthy living is. They think that drinking a glass of orange juice and breakfast is healthy living." She laughed.

If someone who works as a leader in healthcare or in corporate America in general is reading this, please open your mind and allow your employees to get out there and move their bodies during their workday. It's the best thing for everyone. It really works. It's not going to mess with them doing what they need to do; in fact, they will finish their work more quickly and easily. They will also be healthier and happier in general.  Everyone wins!

Thanks for listening with an open mind and have the best day ever!

Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5



The Sounds of Silence

“I've begun to realize that you can listen to silence and learn from it. It has a quality and a dimension all its own.”― Chaim Potok

Isn't amazing how silence can mean so many different things and FEEL so different depending on the situation and energy?

Imagine and feel the essence of:

~ Silence because you're saying a prayer of gratitude

~ Silence because you're in an argument with your friend/husband/wife/partner/family member

~ Silence because it's an awkward moment in a conversation

~ Silence because you don't know the answer to a question in school/at work

~ Silence because you're watching a child sleep peacefully

~ Silence because someone has just said something that hurt your feelings

~ Silence because someone has just said something that blew your mind in a good and inspiring way

~ Silence because you are afraid.

~ Silence because you are excited.

~ Silence because you're bored.

~ Silence because you are incredibly inspired.

~ Silence because you are unsure.

~ Silence because you are open to any and all possibilities

Ya, as always, it's all about the energy.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5


1 Comment

Be Authentic

“Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day. It's about the choice to show up and be real. The choice to be honest. The choice to let our true selves be seen.”― Brené Brown

I teach about the law of attraction all day every day and also about "just" being your authentic self.

I put "just" in quotation marks because it is astonishingly difficult for people when they have been taught their whole lives to act like someone else.

But I am open to the challenge and I never tire. Bring it on!

Last night when I was teaching Prana Power Yoga teacher training to our wonderful teacher training students, I of course talked about authenticity and just being yourself. I explained to them that students just want them to be real.

At the end of the training, a student approached me and said that she had just taken a big course at Harvard about this – she said that "Authenticity is a big hot topic now. It's hip."

She said she had also just heard a big piece on it on NPR.

Remember that song in the 80s by Huey Lewis called, "It's hip to be square?"

Well, apparently, now it's hip to be authentic.

Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5

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