💫 You create your own reality.  💫

Yeah, yeah, yeah, you’ve heard this before.  But why isn’t it happening? Why isn’t your dream life showing up?

Creating your reality isn't just about setting an intention for what you want, making a dream board, yada yada yada.  This is only the first step.

You must be in the receiving mode for what you want. ✨🌟💫💛 

What is the receiving mode?  Well, first of all, it’s the opposite of the asking mode.   One is problem mode (asking) and one is solution mode (receiving).  Einstein said it like this, “You cannot solve a problem at the level at which it was created.”

In most simple terms, the receiving mode can be described as:  when you feel good.  

So ask yourself, where is my tuner set?  On what frequency am I receiving? It’s a lot like a radio. If you’re tuned to 105.7 you’re not going to hear music from 100.7.  The frequencies don’t match up.

You are always receiving something, so if you're not receiving the reality you want, what do you need to do differently for that to change?  What do you need to change inside of you to allow that reality into your experience?

The answer lies in where you are tuned.  At what frequency are you broadcasting?  What you put out comes back to you. It is law. No exceptions. You get what you think about. 

If you're like most people you unconsciously practice resistance around receiving what you want.  You unconsciously are tuned to a frequency that does not allow you to receive.  You’re on 105.7 but you wanna be on 100.7.  Only you can tune the receiver. I can talk till the cows come home but only you can think in your mind.  In this photo, Montana (left) is on 105.7 (asking/problem mode) and Dakota (right) is on 100.7 (receiving/answer mode).  Our emotions are our perspective indicator.  

In my coaching practice I see many unconscious resistance patterns.  Here are a few:

  1. Getting what you want feels unsafe.

  2. Getting what you want will lead to consequences.

  3. Getting what you want will alienate you.

  4. Getting what you want won't last (so you'd rather not risk it).

  5. Getting what you want is unknown - which feels unsafe.

  6. No one else in my family got what they wanted.

  7. I am not worthy to get what I want. I am not good enough.

  8. I am stuck and powerless so I cannot get what I want.

  9. It has to be HARD to get what I want.

  10. If it’s easy to get what I want then I will not be able to relate to everyone else, most of whom relentlessly talk about how hard everything is.

Not a single one of these statements is true. But if you believe in any of them your receiving mode is being compromised.  You’re tuned to 105.7 not 100.7.  

If you feel like this might be the case for you check out my podcast from last Tuesday.  Scroll down on this page to can access it or drop a comment on this post and ask me for the link and I’ll hook you up.  

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻 
