One of my readers is a cop and he sent me this story about taking the high road. I love it. 

"I have a little side business where I work at conventions--mostly pro wrestling legends. I have fun with it and Its been good this year. I love to hustle. I am a true believer  that part of manifesting success is leaving all the channels open.

Anyhow I was in at a show one of my best friends on the planet was in the show. I met him in the parking lot and hung out in the back area watching the show. After his match we were about to leave and I spotted  a security guy--kind of an a******. I had a problem with him a few years back but I thought he was over it. I saw him last year and he was sorta friendly however I am overly lucid and could feel the negative vibe.

So the guy walks up to me and says, " What are you doing here?"  I extended my hand and said, "Nice to see you."  I shook his hand and told him I was driving (my friend--one of the wrestlers). He said you can't be back here. I said no problem I will wait by the door out of the way. 

A minute later a different  security guy came over and started yelling at me, " You put me in a bad spot!  I don't care if you are a police officer you are out!"

I never told this man what I do for a living nor was I looking for any special consideration.    I asked the (second) guy what his name was and I extended my hand and said, "Hi my name is******, sorry if I caused you any trouble. it was not my intention."

I walked out with dignity . I could have told them to get the cops and it would have been ok. The light guided me not to react or pay them any mind. Here I am minding by own business enjoying my friend's success and this guy tries unsuccessfully to take my energy. 

I will see the security guard again. When I do I will take the high road again and explain to him in a peaceful way that I wish him the best and If he was having a bad day at that show thats ok.

Karma will always work itself out."

