
Ahhhhhhh, the holidays. During this season I'd like to ask you a few questions.

Why do people turn into maniacs around the Holidays?

How do I rise above the typical family holiday drama that I've previously been a co-creator in? 

How do I deactivate highly activated pathways of resentment/anger/sadness with family members that ensue moreso during the Holiday season and act from love and my best and most authentic self?

How can I create the best holiday season ever? 

Just asking yourself these questions each morning for the remainder of this holiday season will shift things for you, dramatically.

You see, it's not that we want drama or pain or to hurt others. It's that we are simply unaware. We are unaware of patterns that have been created. No judgment, they are only patterns. Once we activate awareness, and intention, things will shift. And fast. Patterns will melt away like butter in a pan.

Focus and intention and love are incredibly powerful and magical. Use them.

Be the Inspiration. 
✨ πŸŒŸ πŸ’« βœ¨
