I went to high school in the Valley -- Calabasas, California--in the early 80s. That was a carazay time.  It was totally fine, but I missed my roots in the Midwest. Everyone seemed so "out there," and imbalanced. They were nice but they were very scattered.

My parents put away a lot of wine in those days and man they started early in the afternoon. They definitely had issues, but in LA everyone drinks wine and they drink a lot of it.  It's "cultural" as my husband likes to say.  (When I would inquire about certain things about his mom who is Swiss German he would always respond with, "It's cultural." I never bought it.  Only when we lived in Europe for the summer, part of the time in Switzerland, did I understand what he meant, and now I get it.)

Have you seen that Saturday Night Live skit called, "The Californians?"  Oh M Gee it's so right on. As someone who lived in the valley I can tell you that it's accurate.

My kids have never seen it but they all quote it regularly with a valley girl accent – "Are you carazay? It's gonna to be jammed!"  Hearing a four-year-old boy say that with a valley girl accent makes me laugh every time.

So it's possible to reframe anything. Now I have a positive association with LA, the valley, and even wine, whereas before I saw the Saturday Night Live skit on YouTube and my kids started quoting Philippe and me from hearing us joke around about it, all of those things were painful for me.

It's all about our focus and it's all about the power of the focus of my mind. If you are experiencing something challenging and any association to that is painful, hang in there. And after some time passes, set the intention to reframe it in a positive way. Then leave the details up to the Universe.  It's right there with you and it does a better job than we ever do.
