Be The Woman Who….
Choose. Choose how you want to feel. Do you want to feel happy? Loved? Excited? Proud? Successful? Accomplished? Relieved? Ease? Empowered? Free? Liberated? Respected? Light and easy? Choose the feeling and then no matter what unfolds in front of you in your day, go back to that feeling. CHOOSE that feeling. It’s up to you. The choice. The feeling. What unfolds. Your manifestation. Your life. Manifestation is not a process. Manifestation is a CHOICE. Choose it. It’s not up to your partner, your kids, your boss, your friends, your mom, your dog, your cat. It’s up to you. And wow, isn’t that some awesome POWER you have. The power to choose. The power to focus. The incredible power of focus! The power to tell a better feeling story.
Take an audit now of your thoughts, of your focus. Notice where you are focusing your mind and what thoughts and feelings are arising from that focus. Now notice, take note, of what is unfolding in your NOW. It’s all about the now. Can you acknowledge that that circumstance, that unfolding is a reflection of your vibration? Of what you chose to focus on? Great, then this will be easy. If you cannot, well, then you have some work to do. We all do, by the way. This is a daily practice. It’s a moment to moment practice. And if you feel it’s too much work, and you would prefer putting the work into feeling crappy, then go for it. I for one choose to reach for happy instead of crappy. Ha ha, I just made that up as I’m typing and it made me laugh. Every morning during my morning practice I ask the Universe and my Inner Being for lots of laughs, fun, happy miracles and happy surprises during this day…and look, there’s laughter out of nowhere. Another example of how the MAGIC is always in the now. There is no clarity of path, there is only clarity of THIS MOMENT. How do you indentify the clarity? What even is clarity? Following your excitement, following your joy, following your heart. That is the indication, the proof that you are in alignment, you are in alignment with your Inner Being and your highest purpose.
So it really becomes that easy. Follow what feels good. When I coach people (been doing so for 20 years and I love it!), they say, “But Taylor, that’s too easy!” So I give them processes, I give them homework, and then they say, “But Taylor, that’s too hard.”
Now, if someone is off the path and not telling their better feeling story they are NOT going to wanna hear from you if you’re all unicorns and rainbows and sparkles. You will annoy them. I may be annoying you right now, in fact. And that’s ok. I don’t take it personally, because it’s not.
So back to that person who’s off the path. She’s angry, she’s resentful, she’s bossy, she’s judgy, she’s just acting downright rude. (These are all indications by the way, that she is in fear…that she is insecure and afraid). What are you gonna do? Are you gonna judge her? Get mad at her? Resent her? Try to boss her? You gonna trash talk her?
I know, it’s tempting. It’s tempting to react. To lash out. It’s so damn easy to react, isn’t it? But take a nice easy breath. A deep breath . . . and then exhale and get back into alignment. Remember who you are. Then follow your heart, which will always lead you to what feels best. Because the reactive route, the lash out/get even route…it’s a quick fix to that anger but boy, you’ll have some crappy feelings to deal with in the aftermath. In the wake of your reaction. And a drama will most likely ensue and girl, no one wants a drama.
So instead, hold your head high, throw your shoulders back, regain your power - your power of focus - and CHOOSE to focus on why you love her. Write down five things you love about her. Focus on those things.
Then hug her (with your mask on) and help her fix her crown and don’t tell a soul that it was crooked.
We’ve all been there. We’ve all been both of these women.
Now you can choose a different path, tell a better feeling story. And from that place of love, empowerment and focus, watch what happens. It’ll be magic. Just watch.
Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️