Everything is vibration.  You can do the exact same action, from a different vibration, and get a totally different result.  Examples abound all day every day.  Here’s one.

A year ago today I left direct sales to focus 100% on my dharma, Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 Coaching.  I followed my heart❤️, as I always do.

When I did, I felt sooooo good - such JOY, such excitement, such knowing, such satisfaction, such expectation, such ease, such relief and…a little bit of, uh-oh…shame, guilt and embarrassment (!!).

What?!  But I’m all about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫!!  How could this be?!  I was so confused.

“Where did these awful feelings come from?”  I wondered.  I had never felt embarrassed or ashamed to be in direct sales.  I was proud or I would not and could not have done it.  I loved and believed in every product I represented.  I loved my teams.  I loved teaching my teams about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. So what was going on?

Here’s what went down.  Every thought that has ever been thought still exists.  Every feeling that has ever been felt still exists.  When I let go of those businesses, I tapped into and tuned into some energy in that profession that is present in some people in the field.  It is what all the great leaders in direct sales coach their teams OUT of - shame, embarrassment, guilt, the feeling that they are “pestering” people. 

Well, lemme tell you first-hand, it’s not a pleasant way to feel!  I felt it for just one meditation - for only 30 minutes - and I was writhing in discomfort.


Over the last 52 years of training myself to utilize the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, I have learned to care about how I feel.  I have learned to take my hand off the hot stove.  So off it came.

But before I took my hand OFF the hot stove, from THAT energy, after that 30 minutes of discomfort, and while in “problem” mode, I was like, “I’m gonna write every.  Single.  Person.  I have ever reached out to and …. apologize.”

I didn’t.

I know better.

After many years of living, teaching, writing about and coaching Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, I am very clear to NOT act out of negative emotion since I know that it’s not coming from my inner being, my higher perspective, my most authentic most tuned in self.   I know that if I do so, I will never, ever, ever, ever like the results.

Is it sometimes tempting to do so?

Hell yeah!

But I know better after being obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was five and teaching, coaching and writing about it nonstop for 20 plus years.

So, today, while practicing Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ in my candle and twinkle light lit sunroom at 4 am with my rescue kitty Frank Sinatra by my side (he came home last monday after 127 days on the street after being mistakenly let out…#dreamsdocometrue💕🙏🏻💕), my inner being downloaded the delightful and fun and exciting idea to reach out to family, friends and acquaintances and say this:

“This is not a pitch! 💫 How are you my friend? ✨🌟💫 I hope you are well. 💕 It came to me in my yoga practice 🧘‍♀️ to let you know that I am no longer in direct sales so you won’t get any salesy stuff from me anymore.💫💫 I’m sorry if that was annoying. That was not my intention. 🙏🏻🌈💫 Today marks my one-year anniversary of walking away from direct sales to focus all of my energy on my dharma, Law of Attraction Coaching.  ✨🌟💫💛

Have the BEST DAY EVER! ✨🌟💫

Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Light✨Joy😊Appreciation💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️ “

So I did.

Why? It felt Great! ✨💫🌟  It felt exhilarating. It felt spot on and in alignment.

“Wait!” you argue, scratching your head.  “Taylor, that’s the exact same thing you wanted to do a year ago!”

Wow, you’re a good listener (reader) and yes, it is, BUT the energy, the vibration, the intention behind it is totally different.

The responses I have gotten?  It doesn’t matter!  Because I felt amazing while doing it and feel amazing after doing it.  (But the responses have been fab he he).

Gestalt of this message:  Only act out of wanting something, feeling good about something, feeling excited about something, feeling exhilarated about something…never from a place of “fixing” a problem…never from a place of lack or need or guilt or shame or embarrassment or anything that feels shitty.

If you act from that place, 100% of the time, you will not enjoy the results.

Also, for the record, never ever feel embarrassment, shame or guilt about any work that comes from your heart.  People can say what they say and that’s ok!  They are allowed their perspective.  So are you.  And if it floats your boat, rock on!

No matter what you do, half will love you and half won’t.  So it’s all good! ❤.  Just be you.
