Full disclosure: I hate showering. I find it very boring -- all that kinda stuff . . . eh, I guess it's called hygiene he he. Brushing your teeth, showering, shaving . . . ugh, so boring. I'd rather be doing so many other things. UNTIL, I get IN the shower. Just like my chickens, they're all, "I don't wanna shower, Mommy. Can we wait till tomorrow?" And then once they're in there, I can't get 'em out.
So once I get in the shower, it feels great and I love it. And I feel great afterward. It's just the actual pulling myself away from doing something - anything - else that's the challenging part.
This is a metaphor for life. There are so many things that are good for us and clean and clear our energy, that we blow off doing because we are doing other things and seemingly don't wanna do them. But once we commit, once we have the discipline to follow through, it feels great, During and after. It's the "before" that is challenging.
So today when you hit resistance before doing "that thing" that you don't love to do, push through the resistance and remember how good you gonna feel on the other side. And the more you do it, the sooner you set a habit, and then it's easy peasy forever more.