I love shirataki noodles and every time I prepare them, I think about how much more powerful we are when we come together with love, and support each other without judgment, no matter what our beliefs.  Let me explain.

If you've never had shirataki noodles, they are skinny white tasteless noodles made from yams that I like to mix with another type of noodle that is heartier (which is pretty much any other noodle, he he) or with cauliflower or broccoli rice and stir fry with sauce or just sea salt - and they're super yummy, and healthy.  They require no prep except rinsing and draining them and then drying them -- squeezing out all the water.  As I squeeze out the water, I've noticed that if a few stray noodles fall on the counter, away from the other noodles from the package, they are pretty lame.  Don't amount to much.  But together, the whole package is yummy and hearty and has a great consistency.  

Don't get me wrong, what we do matters and we each have a very important and unique voice, heart, mission, and dharma.  But together, together we are so powerful.  So magical.  Unstoppable!


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