I received this from a reader on Christmas day 2013 and wanted to share it (with the reader's permission):

"This morning I woke up to my son yelling, "Mom, Dad Santa came! He brought me X-box games, and  toys!" and then he individually named each item.

Huge smile. So happy! Thankful to be a parent of a healthy child.
How did I manifest this?

Almost 17 years ago I realized that I was lonely, broken-down  and powerless over alcohol.  I was overweight and miserable. I was taken to an AA meeting and given a little bit of hope. I thought," I am not as bad  as those guys. I have not lost what they have, I have never been to jail."

I kept going to meetings and doing what was suggested.

And never stopped. 

I have attained success in my chosen profession. I have an amazing network of people who I learn from everyday. The Universe puts people and things in my life each day that I focus on. It's not always easy; however, I can always overcome challenges by using deliberate creation, breathing and a few other skills. 

It is Christmas Day and my family has gone to a relatives house to celebrate. I am tying up my boots and getting ready to work an evening shift in a crime ridden neighborhood at the police department. I am thankful to do so.  As I type this I know that some event will take place tonight in which I can be useful to another person.  

Peace and Joy to you and yours!

And a Huge Thanks to you for all your support and kindness through out the year. Much gratitude to your family for sharing your time as you write your inspiring stories!"
