A reader sent me this:

"Hi Taylor,

We have so much purging to do at our house that it just feels overwhelming. As do keeping up with all the stuff in our house and all the photos we take -- organizing them and putting them in albums.  But you are inspiring me every single day!"

Here's my response:

"Remember, if you are overwhelmed, the Universe is sending you what you asked for, but you are not ready to receive it. 

In the case of material things and photos which can be extremely overwhelming, one thing, one photo at a time. That's it! So when you get home just attack one pile. Then leave it alone. Then when it feels fun, do another. Never never never do it or anything unless it feels fun. If it feels overwhelming, ignore it and do--and focus on – something else.

The Universe will line you up with it with the perfect timing if you follow this guidance and only do it when it's fun and when it makes your heart sing. If the energy is off it will be overwhelming and it will take forever-- if you are not in alignment. You will not have momentum. You will not have leverage.

Most people are creating from this place and their creations are at best mediocre.

All the masters of anything in the Universe and all masterful creations are created from inspiration, not motivation.

One person who is connected to the stream of the Universe – to pure inspiration – is more powerful, efficient, productive, and creative than millions who are not."

