Sometimes when something is annoying -- or infuriating -- it's challenging to turn the other cheek. To focus on something else. 

Do it anyway. 

Think of it as your Jedi Training. You are becoming a Master!  A Jedi Master. 
All day every day you have opportunities to become more masterful. Here's one -- of countless -- examples. 

I received an email blast from a reader in NYC and someone "replied all." 

Ok cool. 

Then someone else did. (Whatever). 

And then someone else. There was clearly a glitch or spam going on. 

OMG people went ballistic. B-A-L-L-I-S-T-I-C. Here's just a taste:

--"Stop sending this. This is a workplace and you know we all are NOT THE PERSON WHO SENT THE BLAST!@

-- "You have the wrong person. This is not ok!"

-- "STOP REPLYING ALL!  This is totally wrong and you need to STOP IT!"

Believe me, there were way worse than those examples, but you get the idea. 
It would've taken one sec to just delete the emails and move on. Yet people got super worked up and began fighting over "reply all email."

Turn the other cheek. Don't give it energy. Focus your energy on that which you want, and what you want to create more of.  Then you are using your POWER to create your dream life.

