JEKYLL…JECCCCCCL (Well you get the idea…read on and you will understand:)
Firstly, take the pressure off yourself. You get a new fresh start every day and in fact, in every moment. The reason New Years Resolutions never work is because it’s too much damn pressure. That is totally Step 1 (Contrast/Problem) and if you abide there, there will be absolutely NO CHANGE. It defies law. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. You must move to Step 3 (allowing/solution) to manifest what you want.
J JUDGMENT: So many people judge. Themselves. Others. Anything and everything. It’s such a painful emotion all around.
First step? Awareness. Notice. Am I judging? Myself? Others? Anything.
You will note that it is draining. Judgment is draining.
E Explaining: Am I explaining? If they don’t get it or you, your explanation is going to do absolutely nothing except…drain you some more.
C Comparing yourself to others? Comparing yourself to yourself 10 years ago? Comparing yourself to yourself 20 years ago? To yourself last week? Bring light and love to your comparisons.
C Changing: Are you attempting to change others? It’s not your job to change or fix anyone. Whew! Isn’t that a relief?
C Criticism: Are you criticizing yourself? Others? That be your inner critic, the antithesis of your inner being. Take your inner being off the bench.
C Controlling: Am I attempting to control others? Review above…it’s not your job to change or fix (or control) anyone. And they don’t want you to try. Use your energy elsewhere.
C Caring: Am I caring about what the peanut gallery thinks? NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO OR SAY half will love you and half will not. So Just. Be. You.
C Catch it (your focus, beliefs, perspectives, thoughts) in the early subtle stages. You had more choice earlier before it became a full blown awful emotion (which comes after your thought). If it feels shitty while you think it…and feel it…you are not going to like how it manifests. Take your hand off that hot stove!
L Listening: Am I? Am I listening? To my inner being? To the person with whom I am interacting?
Changing (trying to)
Caring (about what they think)
Catch it in the early subtle stages
Listening (am I?)