"What you radiate outward in your thoughts, feelings, mental pictures and words, you attract into your life."
– Catherine Ponder
I’m a big fan of love, light, good energy, law of attraction, kids, yoga and . . . Star Wars. Hence the title of this blog.
I get a lot of emails every day (we all do) from people who want me to write about them. This dude, Dave Aschaiek, did NOT ask me to write about him. He asked me to be a part of his Law of Attraction Directory and Social Network. Cool. (It’s free). I was curious.
Fast forward to, uh, NOW . . . Dave and I have spoken a few times about his directory and also Juice PLUS+ (TaylorWells.JuicePlus.Com - he and his wife are gonna try it — Law of Attraction strikes again. If you wanna try it, email me and I’ll hook you up). And I actually OFFERED to write a blog about him, because I was inspired to. I wanted to.
Law of Attraction strikes again.
I asked Dave to write a few lines about how his business was born, and here’s what he said:
"The law of attraction (much like yoga) is not something you practice once in a while, with the hopes of changing your life. It's a commitment that takes time and concerted effort. But as anyone who's had success with law of attraction can attest to, the benefits are beyond anything you can currently imagine. And if there's any place you'd like to spend time on, it's on attracting whatever you want in life.
And that's why I created www.tryary.com - A law of attraction social network. The whole intention behind this site is to help you immerse yourself in Law of Attraction. On Tryary you can connect with other like minded people who are also inspired to change their lives using this powerful law. You can also join events, find and connect with experts, start discussions on their forum, watch inspiring videos, have questions answered and more.
All free!”
Well, what are you waiting for? You heard what the man said! It takes time and commitment, but what is a better use of your precious time and focus than creating the LIFE OF YOUR DREAMS utilizing a law that’s been around since the beginning of time? This is the law all the masters used — and are using. And you’re about to be one of ‘em.
Be the inspiration.