Ever watch “The Jetsons?”  I’m dating myself which is freaking awesome because every day I am on the planet I (and you) get better and better and things get better and better and things are always working out for me (and you).

Born September 16, 1965 and proud of it!

But I digress….

So on “The Jetsons” which I and many watched in the 70’s, George Jetson flew around in his car and talked on the phone on his watch and/or on a little hand held screen.  Big shout out to Steve Jobs for the second two.  The car is on the horizon.

So when my friend Beth texted me “We’re in NYC charging our car!” en route to launch her son at Purdue, I giggled as George Jetson popped into my mind.

Well I just recharged my vibration, in 30 minutes.

Very George Jetson! ✨🌟💫💛

Wanna know how?

Sure, you got it.  Happy to share.  As always. 😉 😉

Back story:  I was totally in the Vortex and flying high and I went for a walk with a good friend mid day at Barrington Beach and we talked about some stuff.  It wasn’t low vibe because, dude, I know better than that.  I have been playing this BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫  game for too long (been obsessed with the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since I was five!  Been coaching Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 since 2002!) to do that.

Nevertheless, after my beachy walk with my good friend, I was like, “Whoa, that was an energy whack.”  My body felt depleted.  My mind unfocused.  I was out of the Vortex and, just exhausted (very unlike me).

Again, it wasn’t my friend, or the beach…it was the topic we discussed.  The topic was not toxic or gossip or upstream (again, I know better than that); however, it was retelling an experience from about a week ago and … drum roll please…your inner being never looks back.

So, for you Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 fans and students (I consider myself both as I learn all day every day more about Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 and love it ✨💫🌟🌈 and find it all fascinating and fun), even if you’re talking about something *somewhat* neutral (this story started out intense and ended on a happy note), your inner being is always forward looking, so it’s gonna drain you.

I am so well versed in this **** that I knew what to do when I realized what had gone down:  have a snack and take a nap.

“What?!”  You ask. “In the middle of the day?  Don’t you have other stuff to do Taylor?”

Um, yes, I do. And that’s exactly why I took a 30 minute nap - a recharge - to tune back in so I could jump back into action once I was IN the Vortex.

No amount of action can make up for misalignment.

Alignment first.  Alignment first.  Alignment first.

(Hilarious and fun and synchronistic aside:  as I typed the above sentence about action, I received a notification from Columbia University where I did my M.A. and M.Ed. entitled, “Take Action!”  LOL 😂😂 )

Back to napping.  I have NEVER been a napping person - except when pregnant (5x), during which I napped every single day at 2pm.  Before learning about this awesome kick ass Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 tool to get you back into alignment and hit the “reset button,” I erroneously thought those who napped were…”lazy.”  Gasp!😳😳 I shudder at this now because (in my humble opinion, take what you want and leave the rest as always) there is not anything you can do besides a successful meditation (successful meaning you quieted your mind during at least part of it), that is more efficient and productive.

“What?” you ask.  “How is napping productive and efficient?!”

Well, once you hit that reset button while napping (which happens because while you sleep, all resistance, all momentum and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 subside) you have a clean slate, a blank white canvas, on which you can paint anything and you can be, do and have anything that you want.  Until you (not your cat, not your partner, not your kids, not your friend, not your sister, brother or parents) do that thing you do that throws resistance on your trail, again.

So the next time you feel depleted, get thrown out of the Vortex, can’t focus or think straight and/or are just in a bad mood…try a 30 minute reset.  Try a 30 minute nap.  Very George Jetson!
