“Where are the envelopes?” my HH used to ask me when I returned from teaching at our brand new hot yoga studio in Newton, Massachusetts in 2002.
“Envelopes?” I’d respond as I sat down to write a blog or return an email to a student.
“The envelopes with the money in them.” He’d reply.
After class we’d put the cash and receipts in an envelope and put the envelop in a cute white basket in the office. We didn’t need a safe. No one had stolen yet. It was still rainbows, unicorns and incense. ✨🌟💫💛
Day after day, after I taught a triple (he and I were the only teachers then and he still had his day job) I’d come home to the pink house without the envelopes. It just wasn’t in my energy field. I have never been focused on money. Yet money has always found me. More on that in a minute.
After noticing this for a while my HH started to swing by the studio on his way home from Bain and pick up the envelopes.
Ahhhh, the magical compromises of a great marriage and dharma that morphed into a business and later an empire.
Back to “I have never been focused on money, yet money has always found me.”
This will sound irritating to some who are money focused yet the money isn’t flowing to them in a way they are wanting. From a Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 perspective, the best place you can abide is happy where you are and reaching for more. So if you are focused on wanting *more* money, you are focused on lack. You are in problem mode. You are in scarcity mode - the opposite of abundance.
“But Taylor,” you say, “I want more money and so of course I’m going to think about wanting more money because I WANT MORE MONEY! Can’t I just make a dream board or something?”
Here’s the deal. If you want more money, rock on! You can have it my friend. You can be, do and have anything that you want.
If you want more money and you expect more money and it makes you feel good to think about more money, think about more money! Go ahead, make that dream board.
If you want more money and you are wondering where it is (aka not expecting it) and it makes you feel bad to think about it because, um, you’re wondering where it is if this Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 is so freaking powerful…best not to think about it. Best to focus on something else. (No dream board focused on money).
But it’s tough to *not* think about something. Because you think about that thing you’re not wanting to think about. 😉
So focus elsewhere. Distract yourself like you would a toddler…jingle your keys.
So why has money always found me if I have never really been focused on it? Because it was something I expected - softly. Not focused on it, just assuming it would show up. This has been the case for me because my Poppy (maternal grandfather) with whom I was super close, was the king of abundance and generosity. The most generous, kind, funny, loving man I have ever known. Always laughing always smiling and always easy about . . . everything.
Poppy was always extremely generous with all of his grandkids, all of his kids and everyone, really. Best. Tipper. Ever. When we walked into a restaurant people would flock to our table to wait on Mr. Pendexter.
Poppy gave me the incredible gift of seeing how he walked in the world. Words don’t teach. I wanted to be just like Poppy. Still do.
All day every day I feel Poppy guiding me. So much so that when I am given a gift, my sister says, “Don’t give it away!” because that’s what I usually do.
What to do if you want more money? Soften your intensity about it. Focus on the things that you have in your life that are abundant. Feel the energy and freedom of those things and put your thoughts about money on the back burner.
One other Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 PROTIP/tool for attracting more money with ease? Put $100 cash in your pocket and spend it all day long - in your mind. “I could buy that. I could buy that. I could buy that. I could eat at that restaurant. I could buy one of those shoes.” 😉
And watch what happens.