I believe in the Universe. I believe in Universal timing. I believe anything is possible. I believe in you. And I believe in sleep. Just wanted to set those things straight to start.

A Supermom who I know and love whom I met many years ago at Prana Power Yoga, wrote me this text a while back:

"Hi Taylor!

I have no clue if you'd want to blog about this, but your face just popped in my mind as I was thinking about something going on. My little one, who is 22 months, is giving us a run for our money with sleep. I'll leave out the details unless you want them. Any tips on using the law of attraction to get her to sleep? I wrote "my daughter is a GREAT sleeper" and put in my magical creation box last week. Any other tips would be appreciated (only if you feel inspired to share). I remember you talking about your twins being AMAZING sleepers! Hope you are well!"

First of all, can we talk about sleep and how important it is? It can get glossed over and ignored, but the bottom line is if we don't get a good night's sleep, we just ain'tourselves.

Second of all, shout out to all the Supermoms out there who did NOT get a good night's sleep last night. Because there are a lot of them! I know - I get it - and I am a person who needs my sleep.

As I think about it, there are very few people who do NOT need their sleep. You have heard of them or maybe you know one – they can sleep four or five hours and they're fine! I bow to them, but I am not one of them.

I talk the importance of sleep with my kids a lot. I tell him how important it is and that you should never be ashamed about sleeping a lot. I don't know how that got started but it does not go down in my house.  Sleep is important and how your body recharges. It is a basic human need and we all deserve it.

I remember sleeping over at my boyfriend's house in Connecticut while we were on break from college. Hey, we were in college and so our schedules went like this – stay up very late and sleep very late. But I slept the same number of hours that I sleep now – eight. That's how I roll. I feel great with eight!

His dad would go to bed at 11 and get up at seven - same eight hours mind you – and be banging around in the kitchen making bacon and eggs at 7 am, pissed off that we were not awake. I was like, "Dude, I'm getting straight A's at an Ivy League school, I work three jobs and play on the tennis team. Clearly I'm getting stuff done. Because I sleep eight hours, just like you, but at different times, why is that bad?"  I didn't actually say this to him – well, maybe I did, but not in those exact words he he.

But I digress. My point is that sleep is important and when we don't get it we don't feel our best selves.

Universal timing – it rocks. Sometimes we have an idea in our head about when something "should" happen and we get inpatient and/or frustrated when it does not happen on this timeline. Or we totally forget to do something and later remember and are bit horrified that it is "late" or we did not get to it when we had wanted to or intended to.

This blog started out like that. The supermom to whom I refer wrote me this text quite a while back and I am a person who likes and intends to get stuff done in the now. I don't like to put stuff off. I'm all about do it NOW.

This blog did not go down like that. I got a flurry of texts and completely lost hers.

Then she commented on a Facebook post of mine and it jogged my memory.

So here I am, writing the how can I get my toddler to sleep blog, and chuckling at the universal timing of it all.

Let me explain. A Supermom who just joined my Prana Wellness Warrior Team and Army – our intention is to impact thousands and thousands of lives helping them to be healthier and happier – did so because she was
By the fact that when she began taking our fruit and vegetable capsules, her four-month-old daughter began sleeping straight through the night - 12 hours. Yes, you heard me right, a four-month-old baby sleeping 12 straight hours through the night!  Let me explain to those of you who don't have kids, this is un-believable! But it's true. And also, this sweet little baby was not sleeping well prior to her Supermom's intake of fruit and vegetable capsules. And Supermom was beside herself, sleep deprived and desperate.  In this case, desperation was a "good thing" because it led this Supermom to become a Wellness Warrior and help spread this health and good sleep to all.

Back to timing - hello? This literally just happened and had I written this blogwhen I first got the text, I would not have this amazing information.

I believe in magic, do you?
 I also believe in sleep, health, happiness and fruit and vegetable capsules and gummies.
