This is a long read and worth it! Read to the end for the nugget for you - Wahoooo!! 😊🌟✨💫
Once upon a time I created a major at Brown in journalism called “Media and Social Change.“ I wanted to be Connie Chung.
I had a job all lined up after graduation at a Boston TV station. My dad knew Grant tinker and he helped me get my foot in the door.
A few weeks before graduation I took the train from Providence to New York to meet with a Brown alum producing NBC news. I watched Dan Rather on camera but more interesting to me was watching all of the staff popping ulcer pills drinking coffee and eating donuts - extremely stressed out. I was more interested in the people than the news. The people and their energy. I’ve always been fascinated by people, energy and the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 - since I was five. At age 5 I noticed that what I focused on got bigger and what I ignored Petered out. At age 5 I began my lifelong obsession and fascination with the law of attraction.
Back to NBC News… after the broadcast the brown alum took me into his office and closed the door. What happened next changed my life. He said to me off the record, “don’t do it. Don’t get into this field. My life is a mess. All I do is work and I am stressed out all the time. My fiancé just broke off our engagement, I have no friends left because all I do is work and my family doesn’t speak to me.”
This was not the first time someone had told me to get out of something, and I listened. It had happened eight years before - at age 13 - when I was living with my tennis coach Nick Bollettieri in Sarasota, Florida. He had not started his tennis Academy yet, I and a few others were living in his home while he trained us at the colony beach resort on longboat key. My good friend from the Chicago area had already turned pro. She was number three in the world after Chris Everett and Martina Navratilova. We wrote letters back-and-forth and in a letter she said to me, “get out. I hate my life. It’s not what you think it is. Everyone hates me and I am very lonely and my body hurts. There’s a lot of stress. Just be a normal kid go back home and go to high school.”
I listened. Both times.
Fast forward A decade or so and I am knee-deep in the psychology world. I had just finished my doctoral internship at Harvard university and boom! The universe steps in, again.
I found yoga, it transformed my life, and I was inspired to open a yoga studio to help others transform theirs.
My fascination and obsession with the law of attraction had continued - and gained momentum. I taught and coached about the law before, during, and after my classes. I began coaching people individually as well.
I noticed that there were more people who wanted to learn about the law than I could see individually so I wrote a book and and inspiration card deck that everyone could access. LMK if you want the links on Amazon.
Fast forward again. I sold my yoga studios after 16 blissful and successful years, tried selling vitamins, health products and clean crafted wine… but no matter what I was doing, I was always talking and coaching about the law of attraction. The obsession and fascination continued.
So now I am laser focused on my obsession in it’s purest form. I write, teach and coach about the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 all day every day and there’s no place I would rather be and nothing else I would rather do.
Best ever!💫🌟✨
And it keeps getting better.
Since I now have a wait list for my coaching practice I decided to reach more of those who are attracted to this information through my daily cupcake quotes. My coaching clients receive them every morning at 11:11 AM 😇😇 on text. If you would like to also get a delicious hit of inspiration every morning 🧁🧁to calibrate your energy for the day, let me know. I have priced it at a point that is accessible – $9.99 a month…Just enough to ignite your focus and commitment and not too much as to feel out of alignment. It’s about the cost of two Starbucks a month. ☕️☕️ (* editors note… Montana, age 12 and an avid mathematician since he was two, just corrected me and said “That’s more like 1.5 Starbucks… it’s expensive.”
Who’s in? Email me at and I will hook you up today.
WARNING ⛔️!! You will feel inspired, hopeful, confident, relieved, invincible, supported, clear, focused, at ease, and excited after reading my daily cupcake quotes. 🧁🧁Only those who want the energy that creates worlds ✨🌟💫💛to flow through them should opt in. Are you ready to be ready to be ready to be ready?💜💙💛❤️