Yesterday I was chatting with my wonderful coaching client as she and I both walked (my clients and I are intentionally walking/moving in some way while we chat on the phone…moves energy, increases serotonin and endorphins) and she commented on a youtube video I had sent her. It was the first time she had listened to Abraham. I told her the story of Abraham and how I was introduced to Infinite Intelligence. Abraham, my five Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣, my HH and contrast are my biggest teachers.
The story goes like this. I was at a stop light on Centre Street in Newton, Massachusetts across from our first Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ studio. It was right before the 5:45 pm class I was about to teach. I thought to myself, “I want a spiritual CD.” (This was 2002 and yes we listened to CD’s.)
I taught class and at the end of class there was a long line of students waiting to chat with me. At the end of the line was a student named Debbie. She introduced herself and said, “I have a spiritual CD for you in my car,” to which I replied, “I was waiting for you.”
I followed her to her car and she handed me an Abraham CD. I popped it in my CD player on the way home and have not stopped listening to Abraham ever since. My Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 have been raised listening to Abraham - much more so than Sesame Street as we didn’t have tv for over a decade. It’s soothing to them when they hear it now echoing throughout the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍.
As I finished telling the story, my client said, “Taylor you will not believe what I am looking at right now. I’m going to send you a photo because you won’t believe me.” ( I would have, but ok. 😉 )
The Universe is giving you 100-200 clues/signs in every moment (yes, I said moment) to guide you on your path to your Vortex…to anything and everything that you have ever wanted…but you are usually so asleep/shut down/out of alignment that you cannot see/hear/feel/smell/taste them. Yes, the Universe will appeal to all your senses.
How to tune into these clues/signs? Get in alignment … and then. Tune your tuner to where you want to go (joy, love, freedom, ease, relief, fun, satisfaction…) and then be open to what shows up. My client is, which is why it always does when we’re on our calls. Every time! This is just one example.
Pretty kewl stuff. Life is so magical if you’re open to what’s right there for you.