The Moment That Changed Everything ✨🌟💫💛
September 8, 2020
You are literally laying pipe lines for manifestations with the thoughts you think.
A year ago I was feeling stuck. This Supermom loves momentum and is addicted to it, so inertia feels reallllll bad. I cannot tolerate it. 😳 So I get on my yoga mat, a lot. So I walk and/or do cardio, a lot. To move the energy and keep a physical flow going. Retrospectively, I can see that I was also feeling lost. 🤔 Because if I’m not living in the flow of the Universe, in alignment, and in momentum, I feel lost. When I AM in alignment, in flow, in momentum . . . the path lights up for me. ✨🌟💫💛 And I roll with it my friends. I follow that lit path without hesitation. Moment to moment. I am on course and I know it. More accurately, I FEEL it. I am in joy and (pretty much) every moment feels magical – and satisfying. No matter what it may be. Doesn’t have to be a big thing! It’s the little things.
But back to my story…I started a Networking Luncheon in September 2019 in Barrington, Rhode Island after a friend invited me to one in Marion, Massachusetts in August (thanks Buddy!). I’m always up for jumping in and trying something new. And I love helping other women entrepreneur badasses and connecting people. I love being of service. I think it’s awesome that now it’s hip and cool to be of service. I’ve always loved being so, just came to me naturally.
The next month, October, 2019, would end of being a month during which my life would change completely and quite dramatically. In an instant. In all amazing and magical ways. ✨🌟💫💛 All thanks to my Networking Luncheon … and who showed up. All thanks to the Universe, which lined me up with what I’d been asking for. All thanks to the magical synchronicities which zig and zag so that everything lines up perfectly at Just. The. Right. Time. If you believe. If you maintain an open mind and an open heart. If you expect. If you are in alignment. If you trust. If you follow your heart. (Ya, I’m talkin’ to YOU . . . have you been following your heart? Or your mind and it’s resistance … aka fear?)
The day before my Best Life Ever Networking Luncheon in Barrington, Rhode Island I messaged a woman I’d just met virtually and invited her. I was walking to pick up my baby Chickens from the bus stop as I did so. This moment is etched in my brain…she responded, immediately, with “I’d love to.” This, my friends, is not common…an immediate response for one AND an immediate affirmative at that. UNLESS you are in divine flow . . . then it’s probable, almost certain.
She later asked me what kind of wine I love. This blew my mind. I was so excited! She cared about what wine I loved. 🥂🍷🍾💫 And she asked. It was again, a moment I will always remember.
The next day at my Best Life Ever Networking Luncheon my new friend was giving her 1 minute pitch about her business and I interrupted her pitch (not good manners, I would normally not do this), to inquire, “Excuse me, did you say WEED KILLER?!” 😳 I was blown away that wine had weed killer in it. Here I was, a happy Supermom of 5, totally into health and fitness and positivity and the law of attraction, and had been teaching and coaching about these things for over 20 years . . . and how did I not know that I was drinking 5 ounces of weed killer at cocktail hour? I love love love celebrating everything and enjoying 5 ounces of wine at the end of an awesome full day, surrounded by my Chickens and HH while prepping dinner.
My new friend smiled and said, “Yes, weed killer.”
Well, that was it. That was the moment. The rest is history. I called my new friend the next morning and interrogated her about her Clean-crafted™ Wine business. Then Philippe and I zoomed with her the next day. More questions. We’d learned a lot in the last four years about what we wanted - through contrast - and knew all the questions to ask. Every single question she answered was spot on. Spot on! We felt it. We felt the alignment. The magic. The clarity. The path. ✨🌟💫💛
Now 10 months later our lives are unrecognizable in many ways and the momentum is building and building and things just keep getting better and better. There is clarity and excitement and exhilaration and . . . FUN. So much fun and joy. Really indescribable.
Are you feeling lost? Stuck? Inertia? Are you confused? Looking for a way, the way, ANY way, to move yourself out of this feeling?🤔 I get it my friends.
I’m here to tell you that you’ve got this. You are here reading this for a reason. You were attracted to this information and are therefore ready to receive it and put it into action. But before you take action, take the time to slow down and quiet your mind, in whatever way works for you. Meditation is awesome and quick and FREE and easy. I meditate daily (15 – 20 minutes is fine!) and swear by it. I also practice Prana Power Yoga daily in the wee hours, that is a great fit for me. Find what is a great fit for you and do it. Start where you are. Start with five minutes. You will see results and the path will light up. ✨🌟💫💛
I’m rootin’ for ya.