Happy New Year!🎉💫🌈🙏🏻 Are you wanting to attract more abundance in 2023? You’re not alone! Many people have this intention. Rock on! Abundance is your birth right.
If you are feeling stuck, powerless, in a rut, confused, unworthy, not good enough, overwhelmed, not sure of next steps to do this (not sure of the “how”), and like this sure feels hard and/or it’s going to be hard…I have just what you need to hear. I am your divine intervention! 🙏 So keep reading.
The “How” is what kills dreams. I see this all day every day with my coaching clients. But we don’t let that dream die 🙏 because we know and embody this fact: the how is not your job.
What!? Did I just say that the how is not your job?
I sure did.
Keep reading.
Your job is to choose what you want (Check! Did that Taylor).
Awesome. Now your job it to focus on that which you want (key point: not the absence of it). Focus on it if it feels good. If it doesn’t (if it makes you notice the lack and start searching for a “how”), turn the other cheek: focus elsewhere. Use the power of the focus of your mind. Only you can focus. And I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻
Ummmm…Wait! How is it going to come then, Taylor?
Ahhhhh, excellent question. You are very wise!
It’s going to come through your inspiration…through inspired thought that will propel you to action from which wild horses cannot keep you. The “how” will come from inspiration (not thinking or analyzing) and be so obvious and … another key point…will not feel like work. Will not feel hard. Will not feel scary. Will not feel overwhelming. It will feel like the next logical step.
This flies in the face of a lot of stuff out there that says you “have to get out of your comfort zone” and you “have to work hard and grind,” etc. etc. Hey, if that’s working for you and you are living a life of joy, love, ease, satisfaction, bliss, abundance, freedom, accomplishment, confidence, flow, and growth with the power that creates worlds flowing through you in a way that lights you up…rock on! Keep doing what you’re doing! If this is not the case, what do you have to lose by trying something new? (Answer: nothing).
I like to tell stories to exemplify what I teach and coach. Real life stories. I find the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 in the everyday like one of my heroes, Jerry Seinfeld, finds humor in the every day.
Here’s an everyday story about abundance and the creation of it through “doing nothing.”
I had just coached a client who is manifesting more abundance in the form of dollars. When I work with my coaching clients I flow the energy they want to create through me and out to the Universe, and so after our call that abundant energy was flowing through me as I opened a box of chocolate croissants from Trader Joe’s which you need to proof (let rise) over night. There are four to a package.
I opened the box and gasped. FIVE croissants! I felt like I had opened the chocolate bar with the golden ticket in Willy Wonka! I gasped I was so excited. ✨🎉✨ It was so magical. I have been opening these boxes for years and never ever have I found five in one box.
If this sounds inconsequential and just kinda dumb and boring, you have some energy work to do. ✨🌟💫💛
The magic and the energy that creates worlds is everywhere and in the every day… All. Day. Long. Look for it. Look for the magic. Look for these synchronicities.
Why? To tap into your inner being and the energy that creates worlds. Then then then… you will feel good (notice how you feel - think and feel, think and feel, think and feel) and then you are in Step 3: Allowing (feeling good)! Your power lies in how good you feel (not in how hard you grind).
Remember, when you are in alignment and operating from inspiration you will WANT to do stuff. You won’t be sitting on the couch eating bon bons (not that there’s anything wrong with that 😉).
I immediately called my Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 into the kitchen and showed them the magical fifth chocolate croissant (minus Curly bear🐻❤️ who was napping). They gasped. They too are well trained in the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. This is a training…a habit you practice. One that I encourage you to pick up. Because a good feeling thought/feeling will lead to another and then another and then another until this your natural momentum. Then watch what happens.
Now…two funny real life parts of this story illustrating that the Universe has a sense of humor and there will always be contrast, because that is how we learn. The key is how you deal with the contrast. Do you take the bounce and evolve or do you stay stuck in Step 1 (asking/problem) thereby creating more contrast?
Later Curly bear🐻❤️ (aka Phoenix, age 16) came downstairs and I told him the magical story. His response? (always hungry 16 year old boy) “Can I have the extra one?” 😆
Aspen, our white Siberian husky with bright blue eyes, snagged the 5th croissant while walking by the counter, so none of the Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 got the extra one. 😂
But. They got the lesson.
Did you?
P.s. If this story wasn’t magical enough for you…if you’re looking for the data (it’s all right, many people are) … after this seemingly inconsequential Trader Joe’s Chocolate Croissants incident, a wonderfully abundant thing happened for my family. 🙏 ✨🌟💫💛