The Universe doesn't hear what you say. The Universe hears what you mean.

This may seem to contradict what I have said repeatedly, but re-read the above sentences.  They're spot on.

Lip service ain't where it's at. It's okay when you're faking it till you make it. When you're practicing a new vibration. But if you are repeatedly saying the same thing but with a lot of doubt and with 'tude and perhaps a pinch of anger, the Universe ain't hearing you, so let it go. Focus on something else. Focus on something on which you can feel authentically good about. It could be the blue sky. The bird that flew by. The green grass. Your breath coming in and out. Find something.  It's there.

Then watch how the Universe begins to deliver all the other stuff. Once you have stopped resisting it by shrouding it with negative energy.

Hey, I get it. I know you mean well, and you're doing a great job! This is fine-tuning. And I'm rootin' for ya!
