When we lived in the White Castle in Newton Massachusetts, our beloved next door neighbor, “Samuel Shem” (his pen name), author of the classic “The House Of God,” said the most amazing thing to me when I published my first book:  “There’s nothing as humbling as publishing a book.“

He then told me that once he was at a book signing at Barnes and Noble after he published “The House of God” and he was sitting at a table all proud - waiting for the hordes of people to come rushing up. Well, no one came. He sat there and he sat there and he sat there. Then a few hours in, his heart leaped as he saw someone look at him from across the room and walk toward his table. He stood up excitedly and the person asked, “Do you know where the bathroom is?“

“Samuel” (who called me “four-thirty” after he learned that I taught a class every morning at Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ Newton at 4:30 am), my HH, his wife and I laughed about this - a lot.

On Saturday August 27th I went to a workshop in Boston with my biggest teacher (besides my five Chickens 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 )- Infinite Intelligence (a.k.a. Abraham). On my mat on Thursday morning it came to me that I would go. I had deleted the email and not thought about it, even though one of my coaching clients told me she is going in Atlanta - and also posted it on my page.

But I always follow divine guidance.  That’s how Prana Power Yoga ✨🙏🏻✨ was born.

The workshop was phenomenal and afterwards I was in the Copley plaza parking lot looking for my car, Sparky. ✨🌟💫💛  I name all our cars and houses. That sounds like we have a lot of cars and houses LOL.  We have one house (the happy white pineapple 😊✨🌟💫🍍) and 2 cars.  That’s another blog all together.

Well when I parked before the workshop I had written down 3-D after parking sparky — the level at which we parked - which I knew I would remember since I feel like I live in 5D; however I had not written down the color… did not know there were different colors.

So that parking lot panic set in - have you ever felt it?  There’s a Seinfeld about this.  Couldn’t find Sparky.  So this really nice man found me.  He came up to me and was helping me. He worked there - this is his job - to help panicked people who cannot find their cars.  This angel helped me find my car - it was in red by the way not in blue. Yet even when I was in red I could not find Sparky on 3-D so he took my keys and hit the panic button and it started beeping.  Brilliant!  Just to give you a pro tip (I did not know to do that.)

I was so appreciative I just wanted to hug him! Because of Covid I thought that was not the best move and not very respectful so I opened my trunk and said, “I want to sign my book for you and gift it to you!” I was so excited! ✨🎉✨

That angel from heaven who helped me find Sparky didn’t skip a beat…he smiled and said, “No thank you.”

Huge lol! 😆😅

“There’s nothing as humbling as publishing a book.“  - Samuel Shem
