
Happy New Year!🎉💫🌈🥂🍷

What does success take?

Relationship success.
Money success.
Career or business success.

People think the path is complicated and hard. They think that it’s difficult to solve since they've been stuck for years. But it’s not.

People don’t succeed when it comes to what I teach isn't in understanding the principles of the law of attraction (if they take the time to learn them - which is easily done with my book, inspiration card deck and/or coaching sessions).

Most don’t succeed because they don't stick with it. They lack the discipline of consistently reaching for alignment. Alignment is not something you achieve and then put on the wall in a frame like a college degree. It is earned moment to moment, for all of us.

Pro athletes don’t build their physique in a few weeks. It takes consistent discipline. Success at law of attraction takes dedication too. Not as much as a pro athlete, and it doesn't need to take years or be difficult or feel like effort, but you do have to be dedicated to it as a lifestyle. You do need to make it a priority. Alignment first. Alignment first. Alignment first.

Commit to your growth.
Commit to your alignment.
Commit to your BEST LIFE EVER.

IF YOU DO, your life will unfold in ways you can’t even imagine. The BEST LIFE EVER!!

DREAM BIG in 2021. Give yourself permission to step into and live the reality you are wishing for. ✨🌟💫💛

I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻
