I've said it before, I'll say it again and I'm saying it here now: my 5 kids are my biggest teachers (and our new puppy, Aspen).
I adore my kiddos and they are super sweet, kind, smart and wonderful. I'm super proud of them and love them so much and honestly, there's no one else with whom I would rather spend time. Philippe feels the same way. We love love love being their parents.
That said, sometimes they bicker, and I'm like, "Kids, why can't we all just get along? Life is so magical, and your life is so magical, and you can be, do and have anything that you want, so lighten up man and get along! Now (insert name of child here), please say you're sorry, give a hug and let's all begin again."
They abide, and we begin again and all is well, but this reminds me of a very important lesson - that we are all human. If these sparkly sweet beings who are all love get pissed off, you gonna too - and it's okay. It ain't the end of the world and there's always a chance, an opportunity to begin again. Again and again.
I love people and I love to talk to people - everywhere - (ask my husband, who patiently waits while I chat it up with people at Trader Joe's or wherever), and I hear again and again the judgment with which you are approaching your lives -- judgment of others, yes, but moreso judgment of yourself. The question constantly looming, "Am I doing this right?" Or other flavors of this question, such as, but not limited to: "Did I say the right thing?" "Am in in the right job?" "Am I smart enough?" "Do I have the right friends?" "Am I wearing the right clothes?" "Am I funny enough?" "Am I old enough?" "Am I young enough?" "Am I small enough?" "Am I big enough?" "Am I pretty enough?" "Am I wealthy enough?" "Am I successful enough?" Oh, man, the list goes on and on. And on.
We forget that we are exactly where we need to be. That this moment is as it should be. That things are unfolding in perfect order, as they should. We forget to let go of the illusion of control and let The Universe take care of the details. And then we **** it all up - by standing in our own way, and in the way of a force that creates worlds. And in the midst of all this, we get a bit, uh, crabby, shall we say. And we bicker or fight - or worse.
Come back to your center (however you do that -- I like yoga and flooding my bloodstream with 35 fruits and veggies a day with capsules I love), begin again and remember that you are wonder, greatness and pure magic in a physical body. That said, you are human, and will therefore have human moments, where you are coming from a lower place than your higher self. And that's okay. Just reboot, restart, and smile and laugh at yourself (and at me, too - I do all the time) because we all go through it, and we're all in this together.