I am so in love with the unfolding of things and how the Universe does a better job than I ever do in lining things up. Lining up my BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛 With precision. With ease. With sparkles. And always….always…with a sense of humor (if you can be light enough to see it).
Once upon a time, I met this lovely lady through an entrepreneurial adventure. Now I know that I took that path - walked that journey of entrepreneurship which turned out to not be such a great fit - to meet this sparkling bright light.
PROTIPS for creating your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛:
Get in alignment and then….
If you don’t feel like doing #1 remember that it doesn’t matter if you vacuum the whole house if you don’t plug in the vacuum first. ;)
Once in alignment, listen to inner guidance by doing what feels best. Did I just say that?! Did I give you permission to have fun?! ✨🎉🌈🎈 Yup. This is UNLIKE any other (or most other) New Years Posts you will see which tell you to GET GOING AND MOTIVATE YOURSELF! I am all about inspiration - not motivation. Inspiration works.💫❤️😊🙏🏻
Relax and breathe and know that this moment is as it should be and things are unfolding as they should.
Smile and emanate that energy out. Pulse it out to the world. The Universe will take care of the rest (as long as you’re in alignment…see #1).
Sending you Blessings🙏🏻Love❤️Joy😊Gratitude💫Happiness🌈and Infinite Inner Peace☮️
Happy New Year!🎉💫🌈🙏🏻
I believe in you. 🌈💫❤️😊🙏🏻