I love the sound of birds singing, don't you?
I wake up at 4 am every morning to do cardio and write, practice Prana Power Yoga, cleanse and clear my energy and aura, send blessings of love, and set my intentions for the day. It took me a long time and a lot of focus and intention to get to the point of doing this every day (waking at 4 am) because I was a night owl, but it's now a habit and I love love love it. Habits are extremely powerful.
Back to the birds . . . when I wake, it's dark and no birds are singing. It's fun to hear them start to wake up and sing. I live in a dreamy town call Barrington, Rhode Island and there's an owl in our neighborhood who I hear every morning as well. Love that owl.
This morning there was a bird singing I had never heard before. It was a sorta weird sound -- piercing, you might say. It didn't bother me. It was a bird singing, after all.
Then it came to me -- the incredible power of habit and conditioning. We are conditioned to love the sound of singing birds for various reasons. Hearing sharp piercing sounds like the squeaky toy my sister sent our puppy, is a different story. (I'm gonna get her for that . . . she also sent my kiddos yodeling pickles a few years ago, which somehow got lost within a few days. ;)
On my mat, listening to this bird sing, I smiled as I realized that the bird's song was not much different than the squeaky puppy toy which has been the bane of my existence since it arrived. The only difference is conditioning - habit.
Today as you walk your path on this planet, notice your habits. Notice how you have been conditioned. And if something doesn't feel great, set the intention to create a new habit. To recondition yourself. Fresh start. Rewire.
You get to choose the thoughts and beliefs you keep active. And that means you and only you have the ultimate power.