Seinfeld said it best, “Gimme that wave!”

He was talking about when you let someone in when you’re driving and they don’t give you “the wave.”  You’re all proud you let them in and then they don’t wave and you’re like, “Hey!  Gimme that wave!”

Does that ever happen with you when you give to a family member, friend or aquaintance and it feels so good then later you find yourself thinking that they didn’t thank you “properly,” they didn’t appreciate you “enough” and/or they “should’ve” said or done this and didn’t…on and on it goes.


On and on it goes because there is no bottom.  Your inner critic is always hungry for more drama.  Your inner critic always wants to find more to kvetch about.  Don’t feed him/her.  Ignore it.  Move on. Refocus. Remember how good it felt to give.

100% of the time if you focus on what you are thinking that feels bad, what you will manifest in the form of a physical person, place or thing will be UNSATISFYING.

Give because it feels good-then let it go.

There are many ways to give:  a smile, your energy, your time, your love, your attention, your focus and yes, of course material things and dough.

The next time you find yourself saying, “Hey!  Gimme that wave!” remember that it feels better to love than hate. It feels better to accept than judge.  It feels better to give than receive.

Which is why my big sister always says to me when she gives me a gift, “Don’t give it away!”  (Because I always do).
