“Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.”
- Albert Einstein
Sage Wells, age 10, said to me this morning, "Halloween isn't my favorite holiday."
"Well, other holidays there seem to be reasons for (she goes through all the religious holidays and explains what they're about) . . . but I mean what's Halloween for besides eating candy?"
I found this super cool and super refreshing not because of the (lack of obsession with the) candy thing, but because my girl is thinkin', she's aware, she's open to another thought--another way--she questioning.
It's good to be curious, to question, to wonder, to explore, to find, to lose, to be curious again, to question, to wonder, to explore, to find, to follow, to lead . . . . to begin again. It's all good and it's all the path.
Never stop questioning. Never stop asking. Always be open. And have fun doing it all. It's all about the fun -- in this lifetime. Your path is all about finding your joy, and living it.
Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5