“Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment.”- Oprah Winfrey
I've noticed something. If I slack in doing something, it never behooves me because in the end I need to go back and redo it well anyway.
It came to me this morning during my 4:30 AM pre-dawn practice at Prana Power Yoga Newton, because if I don't give myself fully to my practice and really breathe through and go deep in each pose of the Prana Power Yoga Flow, my body feels tweaky after my practice and I need to go back and do those poses fully.
This is the gift of having a tweaky low back. I am so in tune with my body that I feel it kinesthetically if I slack. I need to open up all of the energetic channels in my body fully to feel as amazingly alive as I do as I walk my path.
This is of course a metaphor for life. As is everything in your yoga practice.
So just do it well --from the start.
Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5