“If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”William A Ward
So . . . tomorrow, we give thanks.
What's your tradition? What does Thanksgiving look like for you?
What are your emotional triggers? Physical triggers?
How would you like to re-create them -- and the whole holiday?
How about if right now you take stock, take inventory, become curious. "What has Thanksgiving looked like and felt like for me in the past?"
Now that you have that clarity and that vision, how about re-creating it in a way that is even better?
All day every day I say to myself, "I have so much fun finding a better way." And I do!
If you approach Thanksgiving – and life – from this place, the Universe will toss you ample and awesome suggestions all day and all night. But pay attention! The Universe will use every possible messenger and situation to get the point across.
So back to Thanksgiving. Right now close your eyes for one minute and visualize how you would love it to go. Let the past go -- it's over. Create it in the NOW in your mind.
Then tomorrow morning, get up an hour earlier and get on your yoga mat. I'm teaching at 4:30 AM at Prana Power Yoga Newton if you're interested. You'll be out by 5:30 am -- plenty of time to cook!
I'm also teaching at 9:30 AM -- but if you can't make it to the studio, no worries. Roll out your mat at home.
And during your practice, again see your vision of how you would like the day to go.
Then inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Breathe in, breathe out. All day long.
And have the BEST Thanksgiving EVER!
Have the best day ever!
Taylor plus 5