“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”

  ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

For quite a while readers and students have asked me to publish another Inspiration Card Deck.  I kept saying, "I will, when the energy feels right.  When it feels lined up . . ."

Recently, the energy felt right, so I'm on it.  I'm actually going to publish a trilogy of Inspiration Card decks this time.  Woohoo!  Stay tuned.

And -- I exaggerate not -- in the last two days of editing these decks (they were already written--I've written 55 Inspiration Card Decks total, with 52 double-sided cards per deck), I have received over 20 emails from people saying things like this:

"I wanted to let you know that I have a dear friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer that has spread. He just had a major surgery and is now having chemo and is fighting hard. We gave him a box of your Inspiration cards and he and his wife have placed them all around their house -- they love them and feel like they are helping him to stay positive and keep the good energy flowing. So thanks for all you do!"

Yeah, the Universe will always light up the path for you and let you know if you're following divine inspiration.

cardsTHIS JUST IN!  Submit a few photos of how you and your friends/family use my inspiration cards with a short story about how they helped you create your BEST LIFE EVER, for a chance to win the *BRAND NEW* trilogy of decks fresh off the press in the fall!

7 winners will be announced on July 17th -- woohoo!

Email your photos and copy to marketing@pranapoweryoga.com.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5
