
The People Who Mind Don't Matter and the People Who Matter Don't Mind

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.”

― Bernard M. Baruch

A student and reader was struggling with a friend who had trash talked her. Here is what I responded to her:

"Hi supermom!

In my humble opinion, and always take what you want n leave the rest, this ain't about that person. It's about you and you connecting with your power and focus and intention. It's all about the power of the focus of your mind and the universe don't want you focusing on people like that.  The universe don't want you trying to convince them--of anything--because:

A. There are too many of them!


B. it's an impossible and fruitless task. The people who mind don't matter and the people who matter don't mind. The haters will never get you. The end.

The reason the haters/trash talkers won't get you is that you are light and love and they are the opposite end of the spectrum.  Well actually they are light and love too but they are choosing to operate from the opposite end of the spectrum.

So use your precious energy for and on you and your kids and your spiritual growth and the people who love and get you.

Ignore the peanut gallery.

If you're having difficulty doing so, welcome to the club!  Yes, that means you be human.

But with practice and intention you'll get it sister. I know because I've been there.

Two great tools in this process is an easy mantra in my book and my inspiration cards. Get em!

The end.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5 ❤



Dear Kate Part 2

“Immerse yourself in the energy of what you desire.”Hiro Boga

People often ask me if it's necessary to spell out exactly what they want to the Universe in order to manifest it. And my answer, my humble answer – take what you want and leave the rest as always – is, absolutely not. In fact, the more general you can be about what you want, the better. Then the Universe has limitless possibilities. Limitless ways with which it can fulfill your hopes and dreams.

Just one of countless examples is my Dear Kate adventure and subsequent manifestation. When I said in my first blog about Dear Kate that I manifested the company making yoga pants, what I meant is that I put out to the Universe that I really liked the founder Julie and her vision and girl power, and wanted to help her, and work with her. That's it. I didn't say specifically that I wanted Dear Kate to make yoga pants. I was general about it.

And look what happened.

So all you need to do is figure out what you want generally -- and feel the essence of it. Then let the Universe deliver the specifics quickly easily and joyfully.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Dear Kate

“To bring anything into your life, imagine that it’s already there.”Richard Bach

Last spring a friend from Brown told me that a fellow Brown alum had started a company called Dear Kate, and she wanted me to model for them. I was down.

Brown is my happy place (like the white castle, Nantucket and Cancun) and literally every person I have ever met who has gone to Brown or is going to Brown is the nicest ever. That's what I tell people about Brown, "The people are so nice."

Then I learned more about the company and the founder and I was even more down. I really like Julie and everything she stands for.

Go girl power!

So Julie and I were talking last summer about a photo shoot and interview. Best ever!

But there was just one thing. I have five kids and some of them are little and one is a teenager, and so my heart just wasn't down with modeling underwear. Not that there's anything wrong with that, because there isn't. It just felt like not exactly the right fit for me at this time in my life (I knew my teenager would be mor-ti-fied).

And I always listen to my heart.

I write about the law of attraction and manifesting every day, and it really works. Here's just one more example in real life: I manifested Dear Kate selling yoga pants.

And they are! They rock-- they are truly the most comfortable I have ever worn.

And then poof! It all came together in a heartbeat. The kick starter party which I attended in NYC on May 29th , the photo shoot on May 30th, the interview on June 3rd, and the blog. And tada! Here it is, and I think you're gonna love it: Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



And You Said I Couldn't Manifest This

“Your thoughts, words and deeds are painting the world around you.”

- Jewel Diamond Taylor

I taught a YPO (Young President's Organization) BEST LIFE EVER Retreat in San Francisco at Cavallo Point. It's beautiful the and I loved every one of the participants. Just delightful. We all had a great time and learned a lot about and how to apply--real time--the 3 Principles of my book.

Best ever!

The retreat organizer had an amazing story to share about how she utilized the principles of my book to create something that, well, a few of her acquaintances said would never could happen.

I've written about this dynamic woman before--about how she manifested bringing her husband's sons back into their lives--by moving them with their mother--(totally amicably) across the country to San Francisco. And, well, here's more of what she's up to utilizing the law of Attraction.

When her step sons moved out over the summer with their mom, my reader wanted to get them into a great a school a mile away from them, but it's wicked hard to get into and it was only a few weeks before school began. Her husband had only proposed that his ex wife and kids move to San Francisco in June and once they'd bought a house (also manifested by my reader and if you know anything about the real estate market in San Francisco, this ain't no small feat), moved and gotten settled, it was quite close to the first day of school.

One of the kids had gotten into the school, but the other child who was of that school age had not.

My reader utilized my BEST LIFE EVER principles to get him in, just a few weeks before school began.

"Out of the blue" the school called for an interview.

During the interview her step son stated matter O' factly that he didn't like school or sports.


My reader just let it go and trusted the universe.

And he got in.

Turns out they loved how honest and unassuming this kiddo is. A refreshing change, they said, to all the kids who apply who expect to get in with an entitled air about them.

Best ever!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



KFC? Naw...KRC

“In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” 

― Mahatma Gandhi


Okay there's nothing wrong with KFC if you like fried chicken and biscuits, but I'm gonna tell you about KRC which is super cool, so listen up.

Did your parents read to you as a child? I hope they did. Mine didn't, and that's cool -- they were doing the best that they could. But I swear that to this day I am a super slow reader because I didn't start early.

I met Parfait at a book release party in Boston and immediately loved what he is doing for children in Rwanda with his Kigali Reading Center (KRC).

Parfait didn't speak English 9 years ago when he moved to the United States from Rwanda. It was through the help provided by a tutoring program in New Haven that he was able to learn English -- get this, by reading children's books.

He went on to pursue an undergraduate degree in Political Science and Human Rights at the University of Connecticut. Currently, he is finishing his Masters Degree in International Relations at the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Growing up in exile, Parfait'a father told him to embrace education because in it lay the secret to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Wade Cedar, Parfait's partner in the KRC, grew up in poverty as the youngest of 4 boys, was homeless for a period of time and lived with friends for many years. Wade is the first in his family to graduate high school, and finished #1 in his college program at the University of Massachusetts Boston with a 4.0 GPA. Wade is also currently pursuing a Masters degree in International Relations at the University of Massachusetts.

Parfait and Wade believe that education is the most powerful tool for social change and the shaping of the individual because literacy increased their odds of success. Through the Kigali Reading Center, they hope to give back to the different communities in Kigali-Rwanda by providing the same opportunities that began for both of them by discovering the joy of reading. Both Wade and Parfait are proof of what education can afford individuals, communities and societies as a whole.

Facts about the KRC:

Through straightforward, engaging, and accessible literacy programs, the nonprofit Kigali Reading Center will offer children in Kigali, Rwanda, the opportunity to increase their English skills and embrace the challenges of an ever-changing world.

A workforce fluent in English is a key component to realizing Rwanda's national economic goal to become a hub of business and technology in Africa. On an individual basis, English proficiency opens up education and employment opportunities, a way to break the cycle of poverty. Yet Rwanda has experienced difficulties in finding adequate foreign and domestic instructors to teach English. In 2009, out of Rwanda's 31,000 primary school teachers, only 4,700 were trained in English.

The Kigali Reading Center will encourage English language literacy for students in Kigali by fostering tutoring relationships and increasing access to engaging books, all free of charge for the children of Kigali who need it most. Weekly group story time, open to all in the community, will be a time for adults and children to enjoy stories together while improving their English comprehension. An informal lending library of books will be available for all in the community to borrow and enjoy. The KRC's  long-term vision is to create a safe, nurturing space where students can learn English side-by-side with volunteer mentors.

To read more about and help this amazing endeavor check out:

Also, have some children's books that you would like to donate? Check out Prana Power Yoga because we are collecting children's books for Parfait and Wade and the KRC at our three Massachusetts studios. Best ever!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



End of the Year Reviews

“Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build.”

~ Robert Collier

It's that time of year again. Graduations, weddings, end of year reviews.

Yeah you read that right. I grouped end of year reviews with graduations and weddings. Why not? We can create anything we want utilizing the law of attraction so why not make end of the year reviews the best ever?

Here's how. This will help you to do so whether you are giving them or receiving them.

Before the review, see it in your mind. Feel how it will feel in your body. Visualize how you want it to go down. See yourself afterwards smiling, feeling great, and telling your friends and family how great it went.

That's really all you need to do, but most people think this is too simple -- which it is, but most things are. But I'll give you a little more.

While giving/receiving the review, visualize the whole scene surrounded by golden white light. Connect with the person with whom you are talking through your heart chakra.  It don't matter if you know what a heart chakra is. You know what your heart is and where it is so see golden white light connecting both of your hearts.

While talking utilize the most positive words that come to mind. Ask the universe for clarity – beforehand – regarding which words to use and let those words flow freely from you without thought.

Relax and breathe in and breathe out during the entire review. Feel your shoulders relaxing down your back and your forehead relax. Feel your jaw loosen. Note your breathing and make direct eye contact with the person with whom you are talking.  Smile. And listen. Very few people on this planet listen and if you do, you will do very well in this life and have many friends.

Lastly, send me an email after your review telling me how spectacularly it went. Because I know it will and I'm rootin' for ya.

Have the Best Day Ever!


Taylor plus 5



Wail Till the Energy is Lined Up

“Wherever you go, no matter what the weather, always bring your own sunshine.”

  ~Anthony J. D'Angelo

For quite a while readers and students have asked me to publish another Inspiration Card Deck.  I kept saying, "I will, when the energy feels right.  When it feels lined up . . ."

Recently, the energy felt right, so I'm on it.  I'm actually going to publish a trilogy of Inspiration Card decks this time.  Woohoo!  Stay tuned.

And -- I exaggerate not -- in the last two days of editing these decks (they were already written--I've written 55 Inspiration Card Decks total, with 52 double-sided cards per deck), I have received over 20 emails from people saying things like this:

"I wanted to let you know that I have a dear friend who was recently diagnosed with cancer that has spread. He just had a major surgery and is now having chemo and is fighting hard. We gave him a box of your Inspiration cards and he and his wife have placed them all around their house -- they love them and feel like they are helping him to stay positive and keep the good energy flowing. So thanks for all you do!"

Yeah, the Universe will always light up the path for you and let you know if you're following divine inspiration.

cardsTHIS JUST IN!  Submit a few photos of how you and your friends/family use my inspiration cards with a short story about how they helped you create your BEST LIFE EVER, for a chance to win the *BRAND NEW* trilogy of decks fresh off the press in the fall!

7 winners will be announced on July 17th -- woohoo!

Email your photos and copy to

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Go on a Treasure Hunt Today

“I'm an adventurer, looking for treasure” 
― Paulo Coelho

The other day our Handyman showed me that this sink next to my coffee maker has a water filter in it. He pointed this out to me under the sink. For four years I've lived in my house and I never knew this. "So THAT'S why the cold water comes out so slowly!" I laughed.

As I was filling a glass of water from this slow slow filtered faucet, I laughed when I noticed that I have a green Buddha next to the faucet. Synchronistically. It's a daily practice in patience.

The Universe is always giving us gifts in learning.

Go on a treasure hunt today and find those gifts.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5




Green Grads and Dads

“We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the Earth. Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.”
~Thích Nhất Hạnh

Still looking for an awesome gift for that special grad in your life? And for Father's Day? I love this book by Emily Abrams.  And so will your eco-minded grads and dads: Don’t Cook The Planet: Deliciously Saving the Planet One Meal at a Time

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



I Totally Manifested This

Quote of the day:“Your own words are the bricks and mortar
of the dreams you want to realize.
Your words are the greatest power you have.
The words you choose and the use establish the life your experience.” 

 ~ Sonia Croquette ~



Kitty and the Food

“I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things... I play with leaves. I skip down the street and run against the wind.”Leo Buscaglia
