
I Move Through My Day with Grace, Joy and Ease

“Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.”— Maria Robinson

Today is your day. This is it. This is the only moment that matters. The past is over and you did your best. Rock on for that. They did their best, too. Forgive them.

Create this day exactly as you want it to be. Stop with the excuses and the drama.

Say out loud right now, "I move through my day with Grace, joy, and ease."

And now you will, in fact, have the BEST DAY EVER!

Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Be Kind

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

- Aesop

I get a lot of requests from people and/or their publicists to write about them/their product/their book, etc. I explain that I write only from inspiration, because I walk my talk and wish for everyone to operate only from inspiration -- from an open heart.  This is step one in creating your BEST LIFE EVER. At times it requires discipline to listen to your heart and ignore the naysayers, critics and, ah, yes, the haters. Back in the day they were only called "critics," because the weapons of criticism they wielded were far less accessible and pervasive. Only so many people can write for the New York Times, after all. But now any douche bag with a computer or phone can spout out about anyone and anything and blast it out to the world.


There's one dude who writes me hate mail several times a week -- sometimes 7 times a day. So sad and pathetic. He is "an 'accomlished' yoga teacher" (his words-- and spelling -- there are always several typos and misspellings in his hate mail, as he tells me what a terrible writer I am) who as far as I can tell from the hundreds of emails I've received from him over a few years under several names, hates everything I do, write, am, and stand for.


Do his redundant and relentless emails upset me?  Eh ... no. Amuse me?  Sometimes, a little. Sometimes my husband and kids and I get a good laugh. I'm always teaching my kids, and teaching them to ignore and even better laugh about the haters ain't no different.  I also teach them to send light to the haters (rascals as I call them in my book in a chapter entitled "Send Light to the Rascals").  By sending them light, you shift the(ir) dark energy to light.  Remember, the light always wins.


Mostly though the haters and this one dude in particular (who as far as I can tell ain't too "accomlished," or he wouldn't have the time, energy and/or desire to cut others down -- and make a full time career out if it) make me more determined in spreading my message of hope, love, joy, and resiliency.

My childhood was a shit show at best so I'm a Jedi Master at focus (my kids love the Jedi metaphor). Nothing can distract me from my divine purpose on this planet and those who try only make me stronger, happier, and more focused.  Best ever!

I love love love these words from Pharrell Williams' song, "Happy":

"It might seem crazy what I'm about to say Sunshine she's here, you can take a break I'm a hot air balloon that could go to space With the air, like I don't care baby by the way


Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth Because I'm happy Clap along if you know what happiness is to you Because I'm happy Clap along if you feel like that's what you wanna do

Here come bad news talking this and that, yeah, Well give me all you got, and don't hold it back, yeah, Well, I should probably warn you I'll be just fine, yeah, No offense to you, don't waste your time Here's why Happy Bring me down Can't nothing Bring me down My level's too high . . . ."

Soon you will be the same way. You will be so love and heart focused that any criticism -- and I mean any -- will not touch you. And then with a little more time, it will make you even stronger and happier. Best ever!

I started writing this with the intention to write about KIND bars because my kids and I tried the samples they sent and loved 'em, but the blog turned out very differently. Since I know everything unfolds as it should, I'll leave it as we liked the bars laced with chocolate best, and you should try KIND bars for yo'self -- if it feels fun and makes you HAPPY.  Because it's all about FUN and HAPPINESS.   I was open to KIND sending me samples because my BFF from Brown loves 'em and, well, the name of the company just drew me right in.

Have the best day ever! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Yoga Ain't an Exclusive Club

“Yoga accepts. Yoga gives.”- Terri Guillemets

Two adjectives students and readers use to describe me are: inspiring and accessible.

My intention all day every day is to make yoga and living the BEST LIFE EVER accessible to all. Because it is.

Anyone and everyone can practice yoga. Anyone and everyone can create their BEST LIFE EVER.  Starting NOW.

There are some people out there who try to make yoga an exclusive club you can't belong to. They say you gotta do this and wear that and chant this and (not) eat that. They want you to burn incense and not want for anything.  And once you jump through all these hoops it still ain't enough, they say. Maybe just maybe if you practice for twenty more years you can "belong." You can join the club -- yippee!  (Maybe.)

None of this is true. Yoga is for everyone. Yoga means union and it meets you where you are. Every day. And every day will be different. Thank the Universe.

So just show up to yo' mat and breath and believe. Just do your best with breath.

I'm rootin' for ya, and you can be, do and have anything that you want.  If anyone tells you otherwise, smile, send them light and walk away.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Pushing Boundaries

“So often time it happens, we all live our life in chains, and we never even know we have the key.”- The Eagles

A dear friend of mine from college has been and continues to do some amazing spiritual work.  And I am so proud of her.

She did a presentation at work about this journey, and entitled it "Pushing Boundaries."

It was an amazing and heartfelt presentation and she was admired by all.

Since I am a teacher at heart, I am always teaching myself and others how to fine-tune in order to create and continue to create their BEST LIFE EVER.  And your and my definition of this dreamy life changes on a daily basis.  Not in ginormous ways, mind you, just fine-tuning. And your spirit loves this. This is the "work" of the Spirit.  I put the word work in quotations because there is no work, just joy and exhilaration, when you're operating from your Spirit. But a lot of people – almost everyone I meet – needs to hear this word and do this "thing" ("work") in order to feel worthwhile. So I build a bridge. The best teachers always do, by the way. If a teacher can't meet you where you are, find another.

But I digress.

As a friend and teacher, how would I help my friend to fine-tune?

One way is to notice that the words "pushing boundaries" could be, even better. How about "Playing My Edge" or "My Journey of Transformation"?

Why do I like these titles--and focus--even better? Because--and this is fine-tuning mind you--"pushing boundaries" has a subtle, yet palpable, negative connotation.  It reminds me a lot of when I used to say to Philippe, "I just wanna get caught up."  I said this in a totally positive tone, with good energy and excitement, knowing that I would soon be "caught up."  But, and again this is fine-tuning, what do the two words "caught up" imply?

They imply being behind. And that is one strong energy. And not the best energy ever.  (Most people on the planet are operating from this energy.)

When I became aware of this, I immediately began saying and wrote myself an Inspiration card (which will be included in one of my 51Inspiration Card decks coming) that said, "I am always ahead on everything."

Can you feel the difference?

Can you feel the difference between "pushing boundaries" and "playing my edge" or "my transformational journey"?

I say "feel" for a reason. When you are fine-tuning, it's all about how it feels. Any intellectual in the room will argue that this means nothing. But I'm not talking about operating from the mental body, which is what an intellectual does. I am talking about operating from the spiritual body, which is what a true master does.

As I explain in my BEST LIFE EVER Workshops (, all of the masters in history – in every field – have operated from the spiritual plane.

Are you operating from your mind or your heart?

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Boats, Cars, Jets and Houses, Oh My!

“A lot of people get so hung up on what they can't have that they don't think for a second about whether they really want it.”― Lionel Shriver

Maryann Williamson said in "A Return To Love":  It's not that material things are bad.  It's that they're nothing (I'm paraphrasing).

Here's my hit on material things -- as always, take what you want and leave the rest (that means you too, haters).

Material things are fun if you think they're fun and if they float your boat.  Maybe you want a boat, for example. I personally don't because I get sea sick and my ex-husband wanted to go out fishing on his dad's boat all the time and I didn't have the best time ever on it -- but went anyway.

There's nothing wrong with material things -- boats, cars, houses, jets, clothes, jewelry, art, shoes, etc.  But the rush you get from them is short-lived.  Then you want more, most likely.  Which again, is cool.  It's the never-ending desire of the Spirit -- more, more, more.  More love, more light, more joy, more connection, more freedom, more exhilaration (and perhaps, more material things).  There's no judgment.  It's all good.  And if you -- or others -- are judging, you ain't operating from your higher self in that moment.  You be showing up as that "lower form" of yourself.  Just sayin'.  But hurray!  The next moment is yo' chance to begin again -- operating from your higher and authentic self.

What's cool to realize is that relationships are eternal, unlike the short-lived rush of acquiring a material thing.  Even the relationships that "end"  don't actually end -- they are forever.  So that relationship is for keeps and continues to give you joy (or whatever) for ever more.

Love that.  Best ever!  Makes me so so happy every time I look at my husband, my five kids, my amazing friends and family, my Prana family, my students, my readers, my community, my neighbors -- and you.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Can I Just Say I Love the Internet?

“We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.”

- Cynthia Ozick

Can I just say, "I love the internet"?

Ya, sure there are *issues* with it (Hello haters and cyber-bullying) but we are all so super blessed with all we can be, do and have because of the *magic* of the internet.

Once upon a time it was difficult for me to buy running shoes because when I went to a store to buy them a few years after I'd bought the pair that now had holes in 'em, they no longer made that type of shoe . . . so I hadda start from square one -- find a new shoe that fit my feet well, the correct size, etc.  Made me a bit OCD.

Now when my running shoes have holes in 'em, I just go into my Amazon account, search my past orders for running shoes, hit "order again," and bam!  Done.  Without the side order of OCD.

The internet and my magical iPhone allow me to write books, inspiration card decks and blogs and run our 5 yoga studios from Nantucket all summer, so we get to spend precious family time with my kids' grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins who live in California during the year.  Best ever!  When we first opened Prana in 2002 we couldn't sneak away to ACK for even a weekend to see Philippe's family.

Nantucket rocks but there are some things you just can't get on the island.  No problem!  Food we miss from the mainland?  Check!  (online)  Homeschooling* stuff we need?  Check!  (online)  A swim shirt (that's reasonably priced) to replace the one Montana left God knows where?  Check!  (online)

And all with free shipping because of Amazon Prime.

Can I just say, "I love the internet"?

*We no longer homeschool officially -- our kids go to public school in Newton, Massachusetts -- but we supplement their learning with Singapore math, etc.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Best Investment Ever

“If you look the right way, you can see that the whole world is a garden.”

― Frances Hodgson Burnett

15 years ago I bought a fancy video camera. It was fancy at the time and cost $1200. It was tiny and almost fit in the palm of my hand and I saw a woman using it on an airplane and got it immediately after and began taking copious photos of my firstborn who was one year old.

A few years later you could buy the exact same camera for peanuts.

Was I bummed? No way. The videos I took those few years are priceless.

It's all relative.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



You Don't Have To Go To Hell

“Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life.”- Omar Khayyam

I received this from a reader:


You knocked it out of the park again this morning!!  Grand slam! I use this little prayer for those who I have had resentments against:

1. May John be peaceful 2. May John  be healthy 3. May John Live in love,free of pain and suffering.

Then i send light. Its all I can do!

I am sending your former handy man and his family light and prayers today also!

I believe you have to hell to get to heaven. Paying the dues of life. Been there sister! I work real hard to stay in the positive.

I will send light to your ex also. However, it has been my experience that some people can't be led!"

And here's (part of) my response to him:

"I don't believe you have to go to hell to get to heaven.  I applaud and am inspired by those who walked onto the earth in a great and easy situation and kept it up!  I teach that you don't have to do that.  You deserve joy and love and exhilaration just by virtue of being you--you don't have to pay your dues.

It so happens that your and my spirits chose to and that's cool.  But rock on if you were born with a silver spoon and life has been good ever since!  Awesome!  Best ever!"

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5




“The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters.”― Audrey Hepburn

Where I reside.

Care to join me?



How to Run an Extremely Successful Business

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”― Albert Einstein

At least once a week someone asks me how we run our five yoga studios so well.  In the same week another person will ask me if we franchise and/or if we will open another studio in (fill in the blank.).

People ask me for advice. Budding entrepreneurs, people struggling with their current business, people who are disillusioned with the business world.

It's super easy and simple, so listen up.

1. Treat people well. Do I really need to say this? Yes, I do. I'm consistently horrified by the stories I hear out there. Come on people. This is a super simple tenant and it ain't rocket science. Treat others exactly how you would want to be treated -- or even better. Take it up a notch!  If you are not doing this, you are out of alignment because every human being wants connection and wants to walk their path with Grace and integrity. So if you are not doing this and you are treating others poorly, you are simply out of alignment. How to get back in alignment? I would suggest getting on your yoga mat, but hey, that's me. Do whatever you need to do – your "yoga" – to bring yourself back to your center. To remember who you are.

2. Don't trash talk. Don't gossip. No matter what others are saying – turn the other cheek. The end.

3. Let go of the your belief in competition. Embrace the concept of abundance. If you believe you are competing with others then you will cultivate a scarcity mentality which will permeate your mind, body and business. Let this go. Know that there is unlimited abundance for all and celebrate that.

4. Find things to celebrate often. The more that you celebrate, the more the universe will send you reasons to celebrate.

5. Don't listen to or give any energy to the haters. The more successful you are, the more you sparkle, the happier you are, the shinier you are, and the more you put yourself out there, the more you will attract haters. It's just a numbers game. It's not personal. It has nothing to do with you. In fact, other people's opinion of you is none of your business.

Follow these five easy suggestions – as always, take what you want, and leave the rest – and watch your business thrive. And your heart soar. And the world become a better place.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5




“Getting momentum going is the most difficult part of the job, and often taking the first step is enough to prompt you to make the best of your day.”-Robert J. McKain

You know how as a car begins to move down the hill--think a big hill in San Francisco – it at first moves slowly and then gains speed?  And how it's much easier to light the second candle than the first?

This is momentum. And it is powerful. Utilize it whenever you can to A. Get stuff done and B. Create your dreams.

I thought about this this morning when lighting several candles by which to do cardio in the pre-– dawn hours.  For the first candle you need to strike the match. And then you can light the other candles from that first candle with ease.

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



Try This Quick and Easy Manifesting Trick

“Every intention sets energy into motion. Whether you are conscious of it or not.”

- Gary Zukav

One of my readers who is a master at manifesting (and lives in Germany) sent me this and I think it is quite inspiring and I hope you can learn from it:

"Sometimes I play games for manifesting stuff and see how it shows up.  I just think of the most random thing and expect it.  Like for example last night I thought about stress balls.  And they came up in conversation today.  And the other day I thought of us pennies (not euros) and some fell out of my jewelry box.  Those little things remind me of how real it is."

Yeah, It's real, people. When are you going to start utilizing it to create your BEST LIFE EVER? Get my book and inspiration card deck to see how to do so quickly, easily, and joyfully.


Taylor plus 5



Surrendering to What You Asked For

“When you are in harmony with yourself everything unfolds with grace and ease.”Panache Desai

Sometimes we ask for something and then when it comes, we resist it.

I know this sounds counterintuitive and you may deny it, but we all do it. Even in simple mundane situations.

Here's one example.

I have housecleaners come once a week. I am so grateful for them and I love them. I'm so happy when they leave and the house is sparkling – for about a minute.  (I have five kids, ages three, three, six, nine, and sixteen).

So the above is well-established. Supermom loves her housecleaners, loves her home being sparkling clean; however, when they show up, I feel slightly annoyed.  It's not obvious and in fact, you wouldn't notice this irritation deep within me, but I gotta admit-- because it just happened to me again – I feel sort of annoyed.

Now what, I ask you, is that?

Let me also just add that Philippe is out right annoyed--as is his his father when his mother has the house cleaners come. They both retreat like wounded animals to their offices and don't say nary a word.  I have heard them both on several occasions suggest that we don't have housecleaners, to which his mom and I laugh and ask them if they are going to be cleaning the toilets and showers and stripping the beds today?

But I digress.

I'm talking about my own vibration around the situation--not Philippe and his father's (and I think this is a guy thing, by the way, because all my friends' husbands feel the same way.) Although mundane (as I noted above), it's important to clean up all energy regarding what you ask for in order for the Universe to deliver it to you speedily.

So today I did. I cleaned up my energy around this. I was aware and honest about it, and simply noted my slight irritation when I let the cleaners in the door, and shifted it to surrender & gratitude.

Boom. Done.

Now all the other stuff my spirit is asking for will be let in. With speed and ease.  It's all about awareness – and vibration.

What energy can you clean up today?

Have the BEST DAY EVER! Namaste! Taylor plus 5



The Cracked Candle Vase

“Visualize this thing you want. See it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blueprint and begin.” - Robert Collier

I love yard sales and I love buying candles and candle vases at yard sales. I light a ton of candles every morning while I do cardio and practice yoga predawn before my five kids wake up.

I got some really cool big candle vases with pretty colorful stones in them at a yard sale last weekend. After washing my very favorite one in the dishwasher I broke it while taking it out.

I'm not going to lie, the very first thought I had was, "Shit."


The very next thought I had, and I'm not kidding, was, "Well, this means I'm going to find an even better one at the next yard sale."

And I did.

Keep reading my stuff and you will retrain your thoughts to create anything that you want.

It's all about the power of the focus of your mind. And you can do this.  It's honestly just practice.


Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5




It's Catching On

Attitudes are contagious. Are yours worth catching?

-Dennis and Wendy Mannering

A PPY teacher sent this to me from her friend's wedding.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5


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I Left My Leftovers in the Bathroom at Whole Foods

“There is always something to be grateful for.”- Rhonda Byrne

I teach all about vibration and law of attraction and learning how to chillax and allow the amazing things in your life to unfold. Because they're there for you if you allow.

I love writing and teaching and my students are 100% successful at utilizing my BEST LIFE EVER principles to create their BEST LIFE EVER. Why?  Because I was very clear about my intention when I wrote my book and inspiration card deck. I told the Universe that I only wanted to attract those open to the information. And if you open to it, it gonna work. And fast.

Are you clear about your intention? What IS your intention?

After eating an amazing meal at Whole Foods (we love their hot bar), I forgot our leftover container on the sink in the bathroom. We were 15 minutes away when I realized this.

Best ever!  An opportunity to focus. To practice focusing on that which I do want.

At first I was like," Ahhhh!  I forgot the leftovers in the bathroom!  Let's go back."

Philippe just looked at me.  He, after all, is on my universal team.

"OK, we don't need to go back. It's fine. I'm grateful that we have an abundance of food at home so we don't need to eat that for dinner tomorrow night."

Yeah, everything is an opportunity to practice your focus.

Have the Best Day Ever! Namaste! Taylor plus 5

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Ahhhhh! The Free Aloe

“You become what you think about most. But you also attract what you think about most.”- John Assaraf

We were at Target loading up on kids spray sunscreen for Nantucket and we cleaned out the whole sunscreen section and Philippe said there was more by the check out and he would grab 'em. I said, "Grab all the bottles without the free sample of aloe taped to them. We have tons of aloe and I don't need it. I don't want it. I don't want that aloe."

Philippe returned to the cart chuckling as he placed bottles of sunscreen with aloe taped to them into the car. "You know you manifested that right?" He quipped.

Remember, when you shout no at something you attract it. The Universe doesn't hear no. It just sees what you are giving your energy and attention to, and sends you more of that. Focus on what you want -- not what you don't want.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5

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4th of July Oh My

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.“-Barbara Bush

What's your 4th tradition? Fireworks? BBQ? Friends and family? Parade? Swim at the lake or beach?

Last summer Philippe and I were away on my book tour on the 4th and, well, it just wasn't the same. Our plus 5 were with his parents on ACK (Nantucket), and they had a blast with their grandparents and aunt and cousins; however, Supermom's heart beat a bit slower that 4th of July. We were in Seattle -- which rocks -- but there's nothing like family on the 4th -- and every day.

So hug your kids/friends/family close today and enjoy whatever you're up to and be grateful for this moment. This moment is your life. And those you love are the most important part of it.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Work is a Four Letter Word

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

― Confucius

People ask me if I'm a workaholic. I tell them no, actually I never work. Work is a four letter word. I love everything that I do so it don't feel like work.  I only operate from Inspiration.

But you hear this from me all the time. Here it is from someone else:

I was talking with one of our kick – ass Prana Power Yoga Teachers. She is a superstar. Everyone loves her! I was asking her how the teaching is going (and her new relationship) and here's what she said:

"Teaching yoga at Prana Power Yoga is like being paid for being myself.  I would do it if I were not being paid. And honestly if I weren't teaching, I don't think I would have been open to love."

Find what you love and follow your heart and that path, and the money will follow.

Have the Best Day Ever!


Taylor plus 5
