
This Year I Resolve To

“Tomorrow, is the first blank page of a 365 page book. Write a good one."

― Brad Paisley

- Practice being kind instead of being right.

- Practice yoga.

- Practice gratitude.

- Practice conscious breathing.

- Practice being excited about my pure potential.

- Practice being excited how about my day.

- Practice being excited about being alive.

- Practice being a good listener.

- Practice patience.

- Practice generosity – with my energy, love, and material things.

- Practice letting go.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Yeah, That's My Mirror

“Your ultimate goal in life is to become your best self.  Your immediate goal is to get on the path that will lead you there.”

David Viscott, M.D.

You've heard that when someone annoys or angers you, it's about you. Is it is a reflection of something about you that is actually annoying or angering you.

I never fully understood this concept until I had kids.

All of my children are a mirror of me and teach me on a daily basis; but three of my five kids are an incredible undeniable mirror of me -- so much so that it's actually funny. Ironically, they are the three that look just like me as well.

I've noticed that when I get frustrated with them, it's always really something about myself. It's a mirror of me.

"Phoenix!  Sit still!"

(Uhhhhh. Oh yeah I am totally vata and never stop moving.)

"Madison! I was speaking! Please don't interrupt."

(Uhhhhh. Oh yeah. She got the talking gene – from me.)

"Dakota! Please sit down when you eat honey."

(Uhhhhh. Oh yeah. It is just this year in this lifetime that I have finally taught myself to sit down while I eat.)

Notice today if something that annoys you is really a reflection of something in yourself that you aren't so psyched about.

And once you have that awareness, you're free! You can shift the behavior in a heartbeat.

Or not. Or you can just accept it with love.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Always Believe

“Expect your every need to be met. Expect the answer to every problem, expect abundance on every level.”

- Eileen Caddy

Always believe that something amazing is about to happen.

You're going to think anyway, so may as well think big.

You're going to expect anyway, so may as well expect the best.

You're going to talk anyway, so may as well talk about what you wanna create.

I'm rootin' for ya!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



The Children Were Nestled

“Looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them.”

Lucy Maud Montgomery


For me, it's as good – or better – than the actual "thing."

Watch children today and tonight. Watch the magic. Their eyes are sparkling, their anticipation keen.  Feel their energy.

And replicate it! Every moment. Every day.

You are the creator and master of your life. Create it as you wish.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



The Incredible Love For A Child

“With the power of love; our two hearts can enlighten the whole world.”― Kristian Goldmund Aumann

This morning while I was practicing yoga in our Buddha room I peeked through the window into the kitchen window and spied Dakota, age 4, nibbling on a blueberry Pop tart.

Just peeking at this child eating a pop tart filled me with so much love and joy that it is indescribable.

I smiled at the power of love.

Think about it. If you saw a random person on the street eating a blueberry Pop tart, you would not -- errrr would most likely not -- be filled with love and joy just at that sight. Maybe you would, and that rocks. But my guess is you would not.

But this shows our potential for love.  Arising from even the simplest things.

And remember, the power of love is limitless.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5


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“Our thoughts create our reality - where we put our focus is the direction we tend to go.”Peter McWilliams

This morning was epic.

I have been scooting to NYC weekly to teach at Prana NYC and Prana Brooklyn and take classes with our wonderful teachers and give feedback, and this morning Philippe and I thought my train was at 5:20 , and we were chatting in the car outside the station at Back Bay.

I had a funny feeling and looked at my ticket at 5:09 -- and it was a 5:10 Departure.

I sprinted into the station and down the stairs and the train was just pulling up.

I hopped on immediately and laughed as I recalled that last week I had thought to myself, "This sucks standing outside in the cold for 10 minutes before the train comes."

I am a powerful manifester. And so are you.

What are you creating with that thought?

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5

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The Only Thing Standing Between You And Your Dream

“Dream and give yourself permission to envision a You that you choose to be.”- Joy Page

The only thing standing between you and your dream is the story you keep telling yourself and others about why you can't have it/live it/be it.

You can be, do and have anything that you want.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Sometimes It's Ok To Break The Rules

“Following all the rules leaves a completed checklist. Following your heart achieves a completed you.”― Ray Davis

Sometimes it's OK to break the rules.

Rules are important.  They are the fabric with which we weave our lives, the foundation of our lives.  They give us a sense of order in the midst of chaos.  They give us a sense of "safety," if you will.

I was born both a lover of order (Virgo) and a rule-breaker (yoga hippie) concurrently.  Ahhhhh, therein lies the contrast.

But contrast is important in our lives, for it shows us what's working, and what ain't.

And without chaos, we would not find order.  And then begin again.  Again and again.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5




“Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t want.”

-Esther Hicks

Worry is a magnet. It does not take away tomorrow's issues and drama but it does steal today's peace.

Remember that you are a magnet. Draw to yourself what you do want --not what you don't want.

I'm rootin' for ya!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



I Don't Have Time To Hate People Who Hate Me

“Why aren't you dancing with joy at this very moment? is the only relevant spiritual question.”

~Vilayat Khan

I don't have the time and energy to hate people who hate me because I spend all of my time and energy loving people who love me.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Who Am I To Tell You How To Live Your Life?

“Heart-flow means listening to your intuition and hunches and following your heart. How can you let your heart lead today?” 

― Amy Leigh Mercree

My friend is going through a big life transition. I went over to her house to help her sort through some stuff.  I offered to do so – it was my idea. I'm a big fan of clearing the clutter for spiritual, energetic, mental and emotional health, and feng shui reasons.

Best ever!

Over the years I have become a master at doing so. Or so I thought.

My jaw dropped open as we walked from room to room seeing piles and piles and piles and still more piles of stuff. Drawers full. Closets full.  Basement full. Everything full -- of stuff.

As we were assessing the situation, I couldn't help myself but to start grabbing stuff to throw/give away or recycle. Pencils. Thousands of pencils. Pencils upon pencils. With no eraser. Broken off. Still in packages. You name it. I started grabbing them -- but my friend resisted.

In the garage I wanted to grab the infant car seats stacked up on a shelf and leave them by the curb (Her kids are in their teens). "They'll be gone within 10 minutes!" I exclaimed.  "Someone will be thrilled to have them!"

Again, she resisted.

My energy felt heavier and heavier as we walked through the house. Room after room after room.

Soon it became clear to me that action was not on the menu for today.

Reading the energy, I switched gears and said to my friend, "This is an assessment. We are assessing! This is great! We must assess before we clear out."

I was able to shift the energy to more of a positive vibe, momentarily.

I had to leave at 2:30 to pick up my kiddos from school but my friend did not want me to go. It was difficult to leave her and not just camp out and clear out that house for the next year or so.  I'm like that sometimes. I just want to jump into action to help people; even though my spirit knows that it has to come from within them.

My friend had told me that because of my suggestions, she had been setting aside an hour every morning to clear stuff out and give stuff away. She said that it was going okay but it felt like a long time.

I was curious about this. It was interesting to me because whenever I am involved in this type of action the time flies by and the whole world slips away. Hours upon hours can melt away like butter in a pan, unbeknownst to me.  Because I only clean clear and organize when I am inspired to do so. When I am in the flow. And as you know, when you are inspired, time is irrelevant. Inconsequential. Doesn't exist.

As I drove off to pick up my kids from school, it came to me that I can't go into her house and help her clean clear and organize because she must be inspired to do so and do so from a place of flow. And this cannot be scheduled.

It also came to me that, "Who am I to tell her, her husband, her children -- or you for that matter -- how to live your life?  Just because I personally love to clean clear and organize and have no clutter in my white castle, who am I to say that clutter is bad?"

Clutter is not bad. Or good.  Nothing is bad -- or good. It is what it is.

What matters is what it means to you and how it makes you feel.

I am not teaching you to follow what I do. I am teaching you to follow your heart, your spirit.

And this changes by the way, with time, with learning, with pain, with the seasons.  With wisdom.

This is why I say, over and over and over again, ad nauseum, "Take what you want and leave the rest."

Sometimes I forget. I forget even what I teach and know so well. And I jump right into action.  In this case, I did so out of love for a friend and wanting to make it all better for her.

But only she can make it better for her. I can only offer suggestions. I can just plant the seed.

I know my friend is going to be fine. I know she is going to thrive! My job now, as painful as it can be at times, is to step back and let her flourish.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Tomorrow We Give Thanks

“If you can imagine it, you can create it. If you can dream it, you can become it.”William A Ward

So . . . tomorrow, we give thanks.

What's your tradition? What does Thanksgiving look like for you?

What are your emotional triggers? Physical triggers?

How would you like to re-create them -- and the whole holiday?

How about if right now you take stock, take inventory, become curious. "What has Thanksgiving looked like and felt like for me in the past?"

Now that you have that clarity and that vision, how about re-creating it in a way that is even better?

All day every day I say to myself, "I have so much fun finding a better way." And I do!

If you approach Thanksgiving – and life – from this place, the Universe will toss you ample and awesome suggestions all day and all night. But pay attention! The Universe will use every possible messenger and situation to get the point across.

So back to Thanksgiving. Right now close your eyes for one minute and visualize how you would love it to go. Let the past go -- it's over. Create it in the NOW in your mind.

Then tomorrow morning, get up an hour earlier and get on your yoga mat. I'm teaching at 4:30 AM at Prana Power Yoga Newton if you're interested. You'll be out by 5:30 am -- plenty of time to cook!

I'm also teaching at 9:30 AM -- but if you can't make it to the studio, no worries. Roll out your mat at home.

And during your practice, again see your vision of how you would like the day to go.

Then inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Breathe in, breathe out. All day long.

And have the BEST Thanksgiving EVER!

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



My Kids Say Some Funny Sh*t

“The soul is healed by being with children.”― Fyodor Dostoyevsky

On August 25, 2014: Racing for who gets dressed first in the morning, Montana (age 4) says, "I'm the second!" while Dakota (age 4) explains, "I'm the happy place!"

On August 25, 2014. Dakota (age 4) at Club Getaway in the Berkshires exclaims, "It's the daytime on my window."

On August 15, 2014:  Dakota, pointing to the pillows he’s lined up on the floor says, “This would be bad if Mommy sees this.”

On August 8, 2014 :  Taylor explains that she’s not the maid, and won't pick up the popcorn.  Montana then asks, “Is you the boss then?”

On July 31, 2014.  Montana points to the box of Frosted Flakes, and tells Papa, “You have to tell me about those.”

On June 28, 2014.  Montana says, "I thought Mommy was the boss, and not Papa."

On June 17, 2014: Montana thought a kiddie cocktail was a kiddie cottontail.

On June 11, 2014:  Phoenix (age 7) wants to be like George Washington Carver, except he is going to make everything out of carrots.

On June 10, 2014:  Phoenix says,  “I had a dream about a dream I already had.”

On May, 2014:  Phoenix takes the short-cut to solve Russian math -- instead of solving it all out -- and says: “I”m too smart … that’s why I take the shortcut”

On May 24, 2014:  Phoenix finds out that his cousin John Paris is graduating from Brown University (not the high school), and asks, “So now he’s a fully grown-up?”

On May 12, 2014:  Phoenix, talking about all the sports he likes to do says, ”Sleep is overrated.”

On May 11, 2014:  Phoenix declares, “I’m not going to be a mathlete.  I’m going to be an athlete.”

On April 30, 2014:  Phoenix muses, “I think caffeine makes you bored.  I had Mountain Dew.”

On April 11, 2014: Phoenix inquires, “Papa, who invented food?”  Later that day, “Who invented air?”


Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



Why Is This On My Never To Do List

“Surround yourself with only people who are going to lift you higher.”Oprah Winfrey

One of the main things that first attracted me to my husband is his incredible wit and sense of humor.

Just this morning, when we were meeting about some Prana Power Yoga things, he said to me, "Why is this on my never to do list?"

I laughed for about five minutes straight.

What is most important to you in relationships? That someone makes you laugh? Makes you feel loved? Listens? Is fun? Is inspiring? Is energized? Is fun? Is creative? Is supportive? is spontaneous?Is loyal? Thinks out of the box?

Take a look at your relationships now and take stock.  Be aware. Be open. Notice who is making deposits into your spiritual account and who only withdraws.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5



I've Got 99 Problems And...

“How would your life be different if you stopped worrying about things you can’t control and started focusing on the things you can? Let today be the day you free yourself from fruitless worry, seize the day and take effective action on things you can change.”― Steve Maraboli

"I've got 99 problems and 87 of them are completely made up scenarios in my mind that I created out of worry and that in reality have absolutely nothing to do with me."

Does this sound like you? If so, no worries. If you are reading this and you can open your mind you can let those 87 "problems" go, right now.

Your power is now and you can do this. Simply focus your mind on the things that you do want. The law of attraction will naturally and effortlessly bring these things to you. It's all about the power of the focus of your mind.

Have the best day ever!


Taylor plus 5
