One of the inspiration cards in my BEST LIFE EVER inspiration card deck reads, "I have all the time that I need. I do things in a relaxed and focused manner." I wrote this card because most people are living with a time scarcity mentality. And if they/you can shift this mentality, their/your world will shift dramatically.
It works.
It's the law of attraction at work.
One of the cards on one of my new inspiration card decks reads, "I have all the time in the world"
Ok now I know that sounds super out there, but I've tested it myself (I do my cards every morning while I practice), and lemme tell you, it TOTALLY WORKS.
Within a week or so of doing this card consistently, I noticed in astonishment that I in fact had "all the time in the world"... but get this--while feeling totally calm, energized, inspired, excited, happy and GETTING MORE DONE THAN EVER. Wow. Was I blown away.
And this feeling of having time time time time time time time--all the time in the world--is very different than a feeling of inertia (which drives me nuts).
Try it - and see how POWERFUL your mind is. You've got the power. Use it!