When I was 5 my Aunt Jill moved in after she had her baby girl. I was fit to be tied. I happily heralded my throne as baby of the family and didn’t want anyone usurping me. 

Before Julianna arrived, my Aunt Jill asked me again & again, “Are you excited for your baby cousin to come and live with you?” hoping for a different answer; however, I have always been very clear about my opinion & not shy to say it & my answer remained the same.

When Julianna came you couldn’t get me outta her room (which was my room btw, they took over my room). I stared at that baby, I smiled at that baby, I held that baby, I helped bathe that baby, I helped get that baby dressed, I hugged & kissed that baby, I sang to that baby. I loved loved loved that baby.

What was going on from a Law of Attraction perspective? 

Before baby came, my inner critic (yes at age 5) was ruling the roost w feelings of scarcity & fear. I was afraid there wouldn’t be enough for me…enough love, enough attention, enough food (I was 5, I didn’t know she couldn’t eat food food yet & I liked my food). 

I love this metaphor because it shows how we are not weak, the Law of Attraction is strong. I had the thought once, it gained momentum & it became a “belief.” A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.

What shifted? When I saw that sweet baby, emanating all of her awesomeness & inner being-ness, I melted, was present in the now and forgot what I “knew” before. I began to live - & tell - a better feeling story. 

“THAT’S MY BABY COUSIN!” I would boast as I pranced about. 

I was bummed when they moved back to my Aunt Jill’s house. That contrast taught me more about focus…to focus on the fact that we could visit the baby, not on the “loss” of baby not being in the house anymore.

What story are you telling that keeps you where you do not want to be? How can you tell a better feeling story? When you do so, the momentum will change & so will your “belief” as you see people, places and things line up in ways that reflect your new better feeling story …and belief. 

You get what you think about. What was that thought you just had?

PROTIP:  Meditate daily.
