I've been doing a bit of housecleaning.  Internal and external. Cleaning and clearing the clutter. Clearing the path. You can say it many ways, but the bottom line is, it feels damn good.

When I get on a roll with something that my Spirit loves I am relentless. I have boundless energy and focus and clarity of mind. This is life at its best!  It can be something as simple as cleaning out my basement, which I spent 14 hours doing yesterday.  Yeah you read that right -- 14 hours. In between pickups and drop offs of five kiddos to and from school and activities and play dates and making meals, I was in that basement.  And I loved every minute of it. It was as if the world had slipped away.  I was in the zone and in pure joy, albeit covered with dust and cobwebs.

I went through and cleared out stuff from decades ago. Stuff from high school, college, my first marriage.  Since for the last 16 years I have always had a very young child – or two in the case of the twins – and/or been pregnant and/or nursing, I just didn't have it in me -- until yesterday.  And it's not like it was on my to do list. I never thought about it. And I didn't plan the big clean out, either. It just happened.  That's how the flow and your spirit work. It's not on a to do list – it just happens and it's easy and fun.

Even cleaning out your basement.

You should see it now! Clean and sparkly and organized with multicolored twinkle lights hung everywhere and lots of candles. Best ever!

 I haven't even gotten to the "unsubscribe" part, so I will write a part 2 next . . . .

Be the inspiration.

✨ Taylor Wells ✨
