Please read Part One before you read this.

So I said my housecleaning was internal and external. I explained the external part – the basement – and the internal part went like this.

I get hundreds of emails a day -- like we all do -- and I've never been annoyed by the Pottery Barn, Gap, eBay, and Deepak Chopra-esqe mass emails I receive . . . I thought it was kind of fun to have some I could delete without looking at.

Then when the housecleaning began, I started to unsubscribe. It was super fun! Just like the basement. And I continue to do so as I receive these emails.

What astonishes me is when you scan the email to find the tiny unsubscribe button, click unsubscribe, and then get a message that says something like, "Sniff sniff. We're sad to see you go. Are you SURE you want to unsubscribe?"

(One actually said, "Sniff sniff.")

Yes!  I'm sure I want to unsubscribe. That's why I took the time to peruse the email to find the tiny unsubscribe button and why I clicked that teeny tiny button.

You know who I have respect for? The companies that send you a message immediately that says "Unsubscribe successful."  (The end).

Now I'll buy something from THAT company.

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