My 12 year old daughter always wanted to get to middle school early last year when we lived in Newton, Massachusetts.  We have 5 kiddos - and always many balls in the air in our different health and wellness businesses - and, well, it didn't happen all that often.

We now live in Barrington, Rhode Island (hurray!) and have the BNE* (Best Neighbors Ever), who kindly and lovingly drive our girl to school every morning (unless they bike together, wow, I still pinch myself that all of this is really real).  They are OTB* (On The Ball) and are always on time (read: a bit early) and so guess what?  Sagey gets to school early every day now.  Ya Sagey girl!  Way to manifest, girl.  

But . . . she's now the new kid at school so not EXACTLY sure if this is a huge hit (yet), so this morning, we were laughing at breakfast, as I reminded her how powerful her thoughts, words, and intentions are, and what a powerful manifester she is . . . and to "be careful what you ask for."

Has this ever happened to you?  You're like, "I really, really, REALLY want this (fill in the blank) and then, low and behold, the Universe delivers it -- in SPADES -- and you're like, "Oh, uh, I didn't mean it like THAT!"  

I always laugh when this happens.  It's better than the other option . . .  and I always have a choice how to see a situation, which means I (and you!) have the ultimate power.  

