My handsome husband has been dealing with some wasps at the New White Castle in Barrington, Rhode Island.   Every day he is out there spraying them and it seems every night he's going off to Home Depot to get another can of spray. Man, he's gone through several cans of that spray.  But they keep coming back.

Today he got a different product which just closed up the hole into which they were flying.  Poof! They're gone.

This reminded me of a lesson we all seem to learn - again and again. Deal with the cause - not the symptom. Go deeper to see where that behavior is stemming from instead of eradicating the behavior – white knuckling it.  The white knuckling will work, for a time, but it will always come back. Just like the wasps did.

I find it so cool and amusing that the Universe is always putting lessons in front of us, through the seemingly mundane events in our lives, like dealing with a wasps nest.

