When my coaching clients start working with me they come for one of three reasons (or all 3):
Feeling unworthy and/or not good enough
Feeling stuck and powerless
Feeling they have to work hard and have to earn it. “Life is hard, work is hard, love is hard, health and body stuff is hard,” etc.
It doesn’t matter who they are, what they do, what they look like, how much money they have or don’t have…same three reasons.
I only work with people who are ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to do this work. The Universe sends them to me in magical ways. (That’s a whole different blog all together.) 100% of my clients are successful. No exceptions.
My clients see results very quickly. And as they start to live the joy that they came to me seeking, this question inevitably arises: “But Taylor, when I am this happy will people still like me?”
The answer is: No matter what you do, half will like/love you and half won’t, so may as well be you - and be happy.
You can’t get sick enough to make sick people well. You can’t get sad enough to make sad people happy. You can’t get poor enough to make poor people rich. The only way to teach is to be what you want to teach. The only way to help is to be the change you want to see in the world.
So when you “get happy” (really “choose happy”) some will get off the bus. To make room for other people who are more at your high vibration. Only those at your vibration can connect with you. It’s law. The Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫. No exceptions.
A question you may wanna ask yourself is, “Why do I want to hang out with someone who only likes me when I’m down/bummed out?”