From a Coaching Client re. Thanksgiving:
“I had the most positive experience of everyone! And it’s so funny because right after we messaged my relative called and started complaining about how certain family members were acting. Whatever… that was was not a part of my experience at all. I saw the bright and shiny in everyone. That’s what I was tuned to whereas my relative was tuned elsewhere. He even said, ‘I knew so and so was going to do that.’ We get what we expect! Thank you for helping me get what I WANT!”
This is it! This is the “magic.” Well it’s not magic, it’s law. No exceptions. You are not the one exception to the rule/law! But I love the word magic and use it a lot because it’s fun and happy.
I only work with clients who are ready to be ready to be ready to be ready to acknowledge that “this circumstance is a reflection of my vibration,” because if they cannot they are not ready to own their true (and only) power.
Your true power lies in how good you feel. And how well you can maintain that good feeling. And that’s an inside job. Not anyone else’s job and when you make it their job life is going to pretty much suck. I’m just sayin.
It was so wonderful to hear my client echoing her amazing deliberate Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫 results and the joy SHE created. So fun. So satisfying.
You are a creator. Creation starts from within. Learn how to deliberately create. It’s easy once you know the rules. I gift one Pro Bono session a week to give back and help more people. If you’re ready to be ready to be ready to care about how you feel and feel good more/most of the time, let’s go! I will pop you on the wait list, easy peasy! 😊