The funny thing about amazing things -- thoughts, actions, ideas, focus -- is that if you make 'em a responsibility, they ain't amazing things no more.
What do I mean?
You do something wicked fun and say, "Wow, I've never done this before, how could I have never done this before?  I am now gonna do this EVERY DAY!"
Boom!  It's become a responsibility and has taken on a bit of spiritual heaviness.  A heaviness it didn't have when it was just a fun experience you were enjoying in the moment.
"But wait," you say, "What about discipline?  Discipline is important, Taylor, and I notice that if I am disciplined and do something (i.e. practice yoga) daily, I feel better and more grounded and rooted in alignment and joy."
Yes, yes, I agree.  Discipline is important and I for one am super disciplined about some things.  I do practice Prana Power Yogaβ„’ Yoga every single day.  Because as you so wisely pointed out, it makes me "feel better, more grounded, and rooted in alignment and joy."  It also makes it easier for me to operate from integrity and as my higher self all day long and be the best parent and teacher I can be.  Some days I don't feel like getting on my mat . . . and I do anyway.  And I am always -- ALWAYS -- grateful I did.  
This is discipline.
The difference, as I see it (and as always take what you want and leave the rest) is that any thought/action/intention can become a prison if we let it.  Our mind can take it over and (in an instant!) take away the joy and magic and spontaneity.  
The other night I asked my husband and five kids if they wanted to bike to the Sankaty lighthouse at sunset.  No one was down -- they wanted to bake chocolate chip cookies and play a game instead.  
I was in the same sorta mood.
But then all of a sudden, 20 minutes before sunset, I was inspired to go solo -- and walk instead of bike.  It turned out it took exactly 20 minutes for me to walk to the the lighthouse, and I saw the most spectacular sunset EVER and the almost full moon over the ocean sparkling on the water like fireflies. 
It was *MAGICAL.*
The next night I was like, "I'm gonna walk to the lighthouse again.  That was spectacular."  
And I did.  Because it felt fun and spontaneous.  Not because I "should" do it.  Because yes, even walking to a lighthouse under the magical moon next to the ocean can become "a responsibility," because EVERYTHING is about energy and your thoughts about it.  If it begins to feel heavy and like a "should" and/or something to check off a list, I would skip it and see what your spirit wants to do instead.  
This is one of the secrets to keeping life *FRESH,* *MAGICAL,* and *THE BEST EVER.*
