
I was talking with my BFF about first impressions and how I've learned lately more about them.  It's amazing to me how much we deduce, decide and declare upon first meeting someone.  We make up all these stories in our heads about them -- and deem them true -- without knowing them really at all.  They have a story we know nothing about.

I love love love Barrington, Rhode Island and pretty much everyone I've met so far.  There have been a few, however, that didn't give a great first impression, but I kept my mind and heart open and with some time, and getting to know them, I now think they're the bomb.  And I've only lived here for four months!  Imagine after years of time together.

I love this school called life and the lessons we learn daily about ourselves, others and our purpose here.  So fun to learn, grow and find a better way.  For me the lessons of late have been, "Hey, ya never know," and nonjudment.  Eventhough I set my intention to never judge and thought I did not judge, I noticed today that I was creating stories after first meeting someone.  Which ain't fair.  Or in integrity.  So I stopped.  Began again.  Here's to new beginnings!

Lesson learned.  
