Have you ever noticed that tomorrow never comes? It's always now. You can only be happy NOW and there will never be a time when it is not now.
I was talking to friend about her romance. She and her boyfriend talked and talked and talked last year about what they would do over the summer (of 2016, the one that just passed). They hemmed and hawed and obsessed and bickered. Would they stay together? Would they break up while they were living apart? WHAT WOULD THEY DO?!
Then in the now, it all took care of itself.
They are still together now and guess what, they're talking about next summer . . . and next year . . . and what if and what then and . . . WTF? Calgon take me away.
This is just one example, a metaphor for the human tendencey to attempt to control via the fruitless effort of PLANNING. I'm gonna do this and then I'm gonna do that and they're gonna do this and they're gonna do that and I'm gonna say this and I'm gonna say that and then they'll say this and then that and . . . .
Let me save you some time and energy and perhaps bring you some sanity and peace. It ain't gonna go down like that. It's gonna go down the way it's gonna go down in the way it's supposed to. The end.
YES! It's great to visualize and "plan" in a way that you are creating with your mind what you want, also called "manifesting." It will still look different (better than you planned btw), but you are creating with your mind -- good job!
I'm not referring to that . . . I'm referring to the obsessive attempt to control and plan. STOP IT! (That's me doing "tough love" he he.)
I'm rootin' for ya.