I am so happy and appreciative that there are people who love the beach…there are people who love the city…there are people who love the desert…there are people who love the mountains.
Everyone gets to love what they love and do what they love and choose what they love. Everyone can be, do and have anything they want. It’s all about the power of the focus of their mind. Only they can think in their head.
I used to have a complicated relationship with social media. I’m not going to go back and explain because I don’t believe in complaining or explaining…or going back. That was then and this is now.
Now I love social media and all the things it gives and honors and offers. I love that people post photos from the beach, the city, the desert and the mountains (in alphabetical order because no one place is “better” than another, it’s all about desire and focus). I love that I get to vicariously enjoy the mountains and skiing through my friends who do that, even though it’s not my jam. I’m not gonna go into why it’s not my jam because that brings the vibration down, can you feel that? I choose consciously and mindfully my vibration.
I love that I get to vicariously enjoy the desert through my friends and family who visit and live there (my sister lives in Santa Fe).
I love that I get to live on the beach in Barrington Rhode Island and go to the beach every day, usually multiple times a day, and feel rejuvenated and inspired by it and all it represents to me.
Here’s to social media and all the things we all get to experience that we may not have otherwise experienced because of our propensities, desires, wishes, circumstances, etc.
I am so happy and appreciative that there are people who love the beach…there are people who love the city… there are people who love the desert…there are people who love the mountains. And I get to experience it all, in my own way, as it feels best to me in any moment.