When I work with my coaching clients, we move energy concurrently by walking or doing cardio (or putzing around the house if neither of those things are possible).  I had a vision of this decades ago while in graduate school for Psychology.  I told my HH that I was going to do this with my clients with the intention of moving energy while concurrently releasing endorphins and serotonin, two of our brain’s most wonderful chemicals for lifting depression, easing anxiety and kicking “the blues” to the curb.

Last week was pretty brrrr in Barrington, Rhode Island.  Like 11 degrees my friends.  So I did my coaching calls on cardio instead of walking to and from the beach.

Yesterday the temps rose and off I went to the beach while coaching.  As I was walking, it was so odd, it was like I had “forgotten” how to walk.  Not really, of course, but it felt awkward and herky jerky.  Not my usual flow.  I usually walk really fast and it just feels like breathing. In time, I got my groove back.  

This is not unlike our thoughts.  We create grooves in our brains with the thoughts we think most and those thoughts are just easier to tap into and ride.  I call it “lazy” or “sloppy” thinking.  The easiest thought to think is the the thought you’ve thought the most.  Importantly, however, it’s not the *best* thought to think as it may be a shitty one. It may make you feel badly.  Yet we go to that topic and that thought like a magnet if we’ve been thinking it a lot.  Or if we feel a “need” to think about it.  We feel it’s a “responsibility.” 

Yet according to the Law of Attraction ✨🌟💫, our responsibility is to choose a better feeling thought, and focus on that.  Our “responsibility” is to allow all the things we’ve asked for to flow into our lives, which will not and *cannot*  happen if we’re focused on or abiding in a “thought groove” that feels shitty.  You can’t get there from there.    

My clients ask me, “But Taylor, what if it’s true?”  

Well, my friends, ask yourself, “Is this truth something I would like to perpetuate?  Is this something I want to give energy and steam to?  Do I want to put another engine on that train going toward that ‘truth?’  Do I want to be creator or a regurgitator?  Do I choose to be a creator or a historian?”  

I personally choose - teach - and coach to be a creator.  I coach to choose to create people, places and things through the power of the focus of your mind.  The power of the focus of your mind which chooses the feelings which you believe the people, places and things will engender.  You only want the people, place or thing because of the way you believe it’s going to make you feel.  So the route to it - all of it - is the feeling. Embody it first.  Master that embodiment.  Then the people, places and things you’re wishing for - you are wanting to manifest - will come, with ease. And you’ll create your BEST LIFE EVER✨🌟💫💛.

A belief is just a thought you keep thinking.   Choose - and focus - wisely.
