I don't believe in regret or mistakes -- only learning. We're on a path in the school called life. You live, you learn, you move on, you try again, you live, you learn, you move on . . . and you spread and take in as much love, light, joy and good energy as possible on the journey.
I teach my kids this every day. Yes, with words, but more with my life. My walk. Children do what you do, not what you say.
I came onto the planet to spread light, love, joy and inspiration. This is my dharma. I have done this in various ways so far, with varying levels of "success." I put success in quotation marks because I personally believe that success is measured by the amount joy, love and light in your life -- however that plays out for you. But that's a different blog, which I'll probably write for Friday (tomorrow's blog is "Texting While Drunk").
I have a wicked strong Spirit, and my Spirit likes to be free and speak openly and spread lots and lots of light and love and joy - in any way possible. My Spirit is in the driver seat most of the time, with my mind riding shot gun - or sometimes in the way back seat of our Prana Power Yoga flower power mini van. In the case I am going to talk about now, it was in the waaaaaay back. He he.
I love to write and write really quickly and effortlessly. It's fun for me. I love to share what I write. I love when people feel happy, inspired, relieved, and/or hopeful from reading what I write.
Flashback to a few weeks ago. A Supermom in the Barrington Middle School Facebook group said something that really struck me. It was about how she told her child to find at least one child at the middle school dance ("sports night") who was alone and invite her/him to join her and her friends. Sigh. So beautiful. I told her I was gonna write a blog about it - and her. I did and I posted it on the Barrington Middle School Facebook page.
Then the next time I wrote a blog, my Spirit was like, "Hey, those Supermoms in the Barrington Middle school Facebook group need to hear about THIS! " So I posted my blog again on the page. Annnnnd, the next time I wrote a blog that I felt the Supermoms would benefit from reading, I posted it again on the page . . . .
I'm a Virgo and super methodical and so, eh, in retrospect, it just became a habit - originating from the desire to spread the light. I also started posting my blogs on my global health and wellness company's team page -- and my friends' company's team pages. I don't do anything in a small way, so you get the idea .
Truth be told, it took a while to post my blog every Monday/Wednesday/Friday/Sunday on all those FB pages and so yesterday when a Supermom in the Barrington Middle School Facebook group asked me in a nice way to limit what I post on the FB middle school page, to uh, middle school related stuff, I was like, "Oh M Gee, that totally makes sense. What was I thinking?"
As explained above (mind riding in the way back of the Prana Power Yoga flower power mini van), I wasn't (thinking). I was operating from 100% Spirit. Which is good - most of the time. Not in this case, it turns out.
Also, in retrospect, yesterday morning I felt a little off energetically when I was posting my blog. And my intution is always spot on -- as is yours, by the way.
So did I feel bad? Did I feel regretful? Did I feel embarrassed? Nope. I smiled at my strong Spirit and its relentless and tireless desire to spread the light, said I was sorry to the Barrington Middle School community (as well as the other pages on which I was posting non-relevant info because I believe that "I'm sorry" are two of the most powerful words in our language) and vowed to follow the rules from now on. Overall, I'm not a big rule follower in that I usually jump without thinking (serial entrepreneur and free Spirit) but rules are important for many reasons and are there for a reason. I have five kids and a puppy and seven businesses -- so I get this big time and although it may not seem like it, I respect rules.
I loved when my son Dakota, age 6, read this blog aloud to his siblings this morning (he does that for all my blogs), and I saw my kiddos smile, because they know that it's ok - and a good idea in fact - to put yourself out there with the intention of making the world a better place, try, fall on yo' face, say you're sorry, and try again.
Again and again.