I was talking to one of my BFF's the other day at one of our delightful BFF brunches and she said the most hilarious - and true! - thing. We were talking about how important it is to share your feelings - to talk it out immediately -- and then, LET IT GO. To not dwell, but to be open about how you feel. To speak your truth.
Then she said, and I quote, "I don't want to be sick, and I don't want to be ugly." She then explained (quite accurately, according to my observations over the last 51 years), that people who hold stuff in get sick and look like this (and she made a crinkled up, scrunchy face).
So true!
I said that yes, we are born into this lifetime all happy and sparkly and bright, but over the years, if we shut down and do not say how we feel, we begin to store it -- in our bodies and minds, and man, that takes a toll. I have seen it happen over and over again, friends getting sick because they aren't real and are faking how they feel. Then the Universe is like, "OK, here's a bad ass disease, so now - NOW - you gotta come clean and speak your truth and heal that stuff, oh you steppin' out man." And THAT'S when people come clean and clear out their energy and their pent up stuff. You hear it, again and again.
So do yourself a favor and speak your truth NOW - then move on. Choose one person and let it rip and try to spend 17 seconds or less doing so (i.e. don't dwell).
It will keep you healthy -- and beautiful, too!